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Oops..., sorry had a mad pre-Easter lead up at nursery and forgot to come back with company... :o thanks Shelly, it IS Mindstretchers.


Vivian Paley was truly inspirational. using children from local primary schools (who she had not previously met) she showed on stage a way of listening to and getting children to 'act out' their own stories as she wrote them down in a book 'word for word', just as they told their stories. The children sat around an area taped out with masking area which was ' the stage'. I've done it since and 3+ children love it. It's amazing how they develp their stories also, and the children I've done this with then seem to begin 'telling stories' (not fibbing xD ) a lot more and with greater confidence.



Oops..., sorry had a mad pre-Easter lead up at nursery and forgot to come back with company... :o thanks Shelly, it IS Mindstretchers.


Vivian Paley was truly inspirational. using children from local primary schools (who she had not previously met) she showed on stage a way of listening to and getting children to 'act out' their own stories as she wrote them down in a book 'word for word', just as they told their stories. The children sat around an area taped out with masking area which was ' the stage'. I've done it since and 3+ children love it. It's amazing how they develp their stories also, and the children I've done this with then seem to begin 'telling stories' (not fibbing xD ) a lot more and with greater confidence.




This sounds interesting - tell me more. I find it hard to get my children to tell stories, content boring and flat! Also has anyone got any brilliant ideas to get boys writing during child initiated time?




I love the sound of the learning walls, they remind me of mind maps which i do with my year 1 class. But i like the idea of filling a wall with pieces of writing, photos etc. Has anybody used learning walls in year 1 and if so iIwould like to know how successful it was. Also if year 1 is working in a Reception type way how can we iextend that into year 2. I would be interested in some examples of planning sheets for year1 and 2. Thx


I love this - and am hoping to try it with my FS/KS1 class after Easter.


Biccy, how do you keep a record of each half term's wall? Is it photographed, or do you just file samples from it? I couldn't help but see the link between the observation of pupils, assessment and with seeing the learning journey of the whole class on the learning wall.


Brilliant xD Thanks for sharing :o

Posted (edited)

We have started creating learning enviroment photo CD's.Every half term on the last day its my responsiblity to go around the foundation unit (nursery & 2 reception classes) and photograph everything.It doesn't matter how many I take as they are saved on a CD-90 photo's this time!.Should we be required to show any evidence it would be a simple matter to select and print off a few photo's.


Of course the 'completed' wall is an important photo



1-completed wall that spilled over with our 'what makes a good pet' and 'ideas for our fish names' added to by parents and the children also asked visitors to add to it (health and safety rep was a bit taken a back xD )

2-we never intended 'fish' becoming so big but it really caught the children.There were 30 little faces glued to the windows am and pm watching a staff member walk up the long drive and disappear to the pet shop.Great excitement and total silence as our new pets arrived back :o The photo shows the design's the children created for our tank before purchase.They made lists of what was required.It doesn't show well but many of them are 3D-must be my display skills!!!It seems the most important item for fish is a bridge.The book said they like to hide behind things so this was our outside play extention-hiding, bridge building

3.The tank with Tom and Jerry (am) and Salt and Pepper(pm) by show of hands vote.4 are identifiable.We've added fish shaped paper and selection of mark making tools for our return.


I'm now looking forward to 'growing' those Yorkshire puddings!!

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Thanks for sharing this biccy - you've set my imagination into overdrive!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Have been reading this thread with much inspiration and on Friday thought I would have a go ready for next term's topic on growing. I brainstormed with my YR/Y1 class and they knew quite a bit. Interesting that all my Year 1's knew how plants grew needing light, water, soil etc - which basically is what is taught for Y1 Science so will need to see what the Y2 objectives are now. When I asked them what they wanted to learn it became very interesting - How do marshmallows grow?!!!!! (I didnt know they did!!!!!) and do stones grow? Then had a big debate between a few boys who said stones don't grow - so i said how do you know and it got into a big conversation one boy saying they don't grow because they're hard and another saying bones are hard and they grow!!!! Think this could be a very interesting term!!!! My TA and I were absolutely buzzing when the brainstorming had finished there were so many questions and discussions it was great. I am really looking forward to next term and yit could involve getting my cousin in who is a crystalographer and possibly the best person to talk to us about whether stones grow!!!!!


That certainly sounds very exciting sunbeam and just goes to show where the children can take you in terms of topics and learning if you take the time to listen to them. :o

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all!

Just a quick update on learning wall. Started two weeks ago already have a wall full of ideas!all from the children.I have never seen them so enthused by a topic before.I even had some boys who never paint , with aprons on covered in paint from head to toe creating the most amazing....wait for it... butterfies!!!!It was their idea they chose and mixed up the paint and just got on with it.I have happy kids and even happier parents. :o


I'm so glad you are all finding this idea working so well

Posted (edited)
Thought I share how we're planning.Hi Biccy - As a brand new member I just wanted to say thankyou for your learning wall idea and description. I have just inherited a 3-4 yr old nursery class and was desperately looking for ways to inspire and motivate the children (particularly the boys). I'm totally inspired and keen to try this asap. Can I also ask how you record this in your written plans and if you still have adult intiated focus activities? P.S I love your photos!
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Prior to each half term we do a quick brainstorm to give us a rough weekly 'topic' title and we draft in some ideas on a grid-this is mainly basic provision and some ideas of possible activities for resource gathering


Just before the end of the previous half term we tell the children what the new title will be and just listen to the 'buzz' this gives us more of a clue as to which direction we are likely to go in to add to the grid (this is where we got Yorkshire puddings for 'Growing')


We do the discussion and scribing with the children first thing Monday am/pm and gather the ideas.We plan Tuesday lunch when we have both groups ideas.In effect our planning runs Wed-Wed for activities and basic provision mon-fri.


We have one adult lead activity each day.This is not always table based.Sometimes the activity table will have construction on and the adult activity focus will be a small world on the floor.One adult has basic provision focus per session and one adult observations (plus stacks of other duties as well!!!)


We have planning for basic provision/carpet times/outside play/activities all have links to learning intention and links to other areas.

Update after the whole school learning walk.


Receptions is more polished than ours and just relates to their 'topic'.An interesting one was year 2.The teacher started by giving the children just the title (like us) which happened to be 'Florence Nightingale' and asked them to come up with some questions-we ask for facts they already know.Bare in mind they didn't know who she was.The first questions were who is she? what does she look like? where does she live?.As the children researched they added the answers to the questions and created more questions.They brought researched additional information from home.It really appeared to have caught the childrens imagination.The year 3 teacher had had so much from the children he'd taken to photographing the wall on a friday and removing some pieces so there was more room for Monday.He'd display large photo copies of the Friday photo's so the children could refer back to them if they wished.


Mid week-we informally told children next half term was 'Growing' just to give us a bit of a lead for our staff planning session.There was one interesting comment which has led us to prepare in a direction we wouldn't have gone down.One child said 'Yorkshire puddings grow'-what a flash of inspiration!!! We've come up with some ideas and snacks to go with the fooding growing idea and figured how to safely put the mircowave in the nursery main body to watch growing!


Reviewing of the learning wall on the last day was more productive with one session than another?? We'll keep an eye on that because it wasn't the way around we expected.The younger maturity group who are more play oriented were more stimulated and recalled better.



Hi Biccy, I came across the working wall once before when doing supply, but after reading about yours it has enthused my imagination again. I am going to start one, when i go back to school. My problem is lack of wall space, our Head is also very particular about how we hang things which is ridiculous but i am sure it will be soooo fab that he won't be bothered. Thankyou for sharing the photos too they are great!!


Hi and welcome Norfolknovice.

No prizes for knowing where you're from then!!!?


Hope this works well. I may even be brave enough to try with my class this week!

My problem is lack of wall space, our Head is also very particular about how we hang things


year 1 have a learning pillar!! (not pillow xD ) It's part of the classroom structure and doesn't have a pinboard but blutac is wonderful stuff. :( It doesn't have to be a wall but the idea is that the children can view and revist their ideas.Reception have this term got a nose shape out of pink card for their learning wall-looks great for their senses work :o


I may put forward this idea sometime this week. This may just help the staff to understand what planning is and get the children involved with planning too.




Posted (edited)

I'm formulating a plan for next half term which is Transport.I'm sure it will generate lots of material from children and home.I'm going to make a learning box which will be portable so it can be accessed outside.Next half term we should be well and truely outside so not much value in having the wall inside :(


The idea to get a large cardboard box (freezer, dishwasher etc) and paint it blue.I'm thinking Tarnis here xD as its Dr Who's transport :o and the ideas, photo's etc etc will be pinned on the outside walls.It will transport itself to a different place every day-sand area-outside-carpet-book corner so the children can discover where its tellyported when they arrive.Hopefully it will extend the stimuation into areas of basic provision.


Just need a sonic screwdriver and I'm sorted :( think I'll go check e-bay..........

Edited by Guest

Fantastic Im ready to start my learning wall!!


Can i just ask if you have any explantion of the learning wall that I could use for staff training and parents information?




biccy i was just wondering the same and also the type of planning sheets you use or how you put this down on paper?

i'm in the process of changing nurseries and will hopefully b starting it at both if they are ready for it.




I'm sorry sharon I missed your post!


We had whole school inset trainning about learning walls including a slide show of examples.We were given some support material but where I put them ?????:o I'll see if I can dig them out but would have to check if they were ok to post.There was nothing to give parents but we included what we were aimming for in our weekly newsheet and some ideas of the kind of things that could be brought in and the parental support has continued.


Planning wise I can't think of any other way of explaining than I have. We have introduced a laminated dairy card for each day so we can review with the children how the week is building each day.Monday-we made a mini habitat Tuesday-we painted butterflies for the fence Wednesday-We put the ant's in their new home Thursday-everyone wanted to make bees Friday -?????? I don't even know what we are doing tomorrow yet!!! we certainly do more each day that that its just one key thing from the day to 'lock' it down.


The planning sheets were designed by the teacher I work with.In our planning meeting she fills in the bits on her laptop (touch types!!!!) and then prints it off for us all.Its displayed in the nursery as well.4 sheets-daily adult activity plan/basic provision-staff daily role rota-outside play-carpet sessions.I wouldn't feel comfortable posting without checking first.


Alot of the planning is in retrospect and the evidence photographic


Thanks biccy for your reply.


With your adult activity plan can you explain where these come from, by this i mean ideas from the children or something the adult has chosen,I persume you then link this activity to areas of learning, just one?


I think im worried about covering the areas of learning and probably thinking to deep at how my observations are the basis of my planning! and showing this on paper.


Have you pre chosen the ELGs/stepping stones that you are hoping to cover for the term/ week?


ps learning wall fab and we have had 2 parents in this week which was amazing we cant get parents in for love nor money!




This is my first posting, my ICT skills are not all that they could be so here's hoping it actually reaches the site!


I am going to try and plan using learning walls with the children but would like to see how you plan and ensure coverage of all the areas of learning. Thanks, I am really enjoying exploring the site and find it fascinating to read all the different issues and debates currently taking place.




Glad your wall is working so well and we've seen an improvement in parent involvement too.Would love to see a photo of your wall xD


With your adult activity plan can you explain where these come from, by this i mean ideas from the children or something the adult has chosen,I persume you then link this activity to areas of learning, just one?


It's a mix really, we mix and pick from the ideas of the children and ourselves to check we are covering all areas of learning over a week.We had a boy who was really animated about bee's when we discussed mini-beasts on Monday so put out beebots yesterday ICT & we popped in DT/craft today making bee's.I just put a pile of resources on a side table and we discussed bees at first carpet time and picked out key words and drew a picture story of what a bee looks like-hive-flowers bits of life cycle and then left them to it.The results are very child orientated and look great on our hive effect wall.We have found this years intake don't sustain ideas for long so this fast changing approach suits their learning style.We then pick out and fill in statements of learning later we don't pre-select them.


I will ask permission first and then post example of planning.


We had a cluster of candidates look around for teaching post today and one little girl was keen to show the headteacher the bee she'd made that had been put on the wall.She pointed to the wall but he said 'this one?' to the wrong one "NO the one with the long tongue so it can suck the nectar from the flowers!" I think the head was impressed :o

Posted (edited)

This the end of this week short term planning for Adult led activity, basic provision extentions and 2 group carpet times.theres also a planning sheet for outdoor and staff roles.I've blocked out personal details of staff. Not sure if it makes anything clearer for others as like most planning is personal to the adults using it and we know what was meant and where we were going as its was created after discussion with the children and the staff meeting together.

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Posted (edited)

Well that didn't work!!!!-sorry


I'll try again, I think the file was too big so I've tried to re-size??? I hope they're view able

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Hi Biccy


I have logged on specially to see your planning sheets. The staff where I work have been hearing all about your learning walls! It really does sound like an excellent idea. I printed off your photographs to put it into context for them and everyone is keen to start.




Hi Biccy


Thank you so much for posting up your planning it does help. I will use it to look carefully at ours and discuss with colleagues any changes to ours we feel that we need to make. I have already done some mind mapping with children for themes but really think that this will move us forward, particularly in involving parents with children's learning in our pre-school room. We already have effective planning for our 0-3 which will fit in well with the EYFS so you are a star! I feel quite relieved and can now open a bottle of wine and relax, it is after all Friday :o night.

Posted (edited)
I feel quite relieved and can now open a bottle of wine and relax, it is after all Friday night.


I've already started!!! xD:(:(


Ps-It does help doing the planning as we go on a lap top.I'm not responsible for that and my working partner is brill at the links etc and she gave permission for me to post.I'm just the one with the daft ideas that she goes along with :o

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The idea to get a large cardboard box (freezer, dishwasher etc) and paint it blue.I'm thinking Tarnis here xD as its Dr Who's transport :o and the ideas, photo's etc etc will be pinned on the outside walls.It will transport itself to a different place every day-sand area-outside-carpet-book corner so the children can discover where its tellyported when they arrive.



now that is what I call sheer genius!



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