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Frere Jacques


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We will be covering Nursery Rhymes after Easter. Any ideas what the children can do/make in relation to Frere Jacques. :o


We are a pre-school with children ages 2.5 to 4.5yrs xD


Any ideas most gratefully received.

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you could either do the french angle and make a french flag,and talk about all things french extending to the fact it is diff lang and sing the song in eng too. and learn other words in french,bonjour etc or/and do the bell ringing angle and listen to diff bells and chimes perhaps make a grandfather clock with a chime.or milk bott filled with water to play a tune.

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You can sing to the tune of frere jaques 'find four corners find four corners, sides the same sides the same put them all together x2 squares my name x2' children love to draw a square in the air whilst singing this. It comes from a book can't remember where exactly, think it's called Tom Thumb...........

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I think I'd do lots of roleplay of the song, with the adults modelling it first. I'd make a little french cafe area with french flags, possibly those little curtains if I could. Talk about the names of the french equivalents e.g. Frites as opposed to chips (you can make fab chips out of yellow card, especially if you fold the card to make them 3d). I call the register in french every so often and the children answer 'oui madam' which they think is very funny.............she said we could say wee! Do you sing the 'say hello' song? it would work very well as say 'bonjour' wouldn't it?

Count to 5 in french, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq. Find some books with french in them.......... take in a french dictionary. Do ELC do sticker books with french in? Talk about holidays and who has been to France. Use a puppet to be a little french friend who is feeling shy or lonely as he hasn't been to England before. Have a simple map to show where france is. Can you see anywhere else that you have been on holiday? Help the children write a label. French castles are called chateaux. Can you find someone french to come and visit the children?


Have look on google to see if you can find any more french nursery rhymes. There are french songs on a sticky kids cd and others too. I recently bought Rick Stein's French Odyssy soundtrack which my children love. Put something like it on for the children to free paint too - big paper all over a large table. They make huge sweeping movements............

Good luck, sorry I got a bit carried away there didn't I?

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