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Lovely one for you - I was sitting at the piano on Friday in assembly, A child suddenly rushed over to me and flung his arms around me. I thought he was upset about something so I put my hand on his shoulder and I suddenly felt something warm and damp on me. .. then I heard him reaching!! I was covered in sick- so was the piano!! I had to just strip and wash my clothes then and there. Then I put dripping wet clothes back on ... and luckily was allowed to go home and shower and change!!!


Occupational hazzard!!

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ooh yuck, now wee, poo, I can just about manage but sick ugh.

I do recall many, many moons ago when I was involved in a day nursery going through the registration process and the then social services officer ( pre Ofsted days) saying the setting should have a staff wash/shower room, just in case of such incidences. I saw her point but as you have shown, can get over it without that expense. :o


Hope the child is feeling better and I'm sure he/she would have offered you an unconditional hug despite the fact of feeling ill. xD



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We have access to a shower for just these delightful occasions. I can't imagine how awful it must have been.


Maybe you should have a special box of old clothes for the adults in your school/setting like you do for the children!! You know, mismatched, to big/small, been-kept-in-a-box sort of smell!! LoL

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lovely!!!! sorry you got drenched, but that has made me smile.( I can cope with anything except snot............and i once got told by the children that someone had spilled glue on the floor, so i went to clean it up, only to discover..well, you guessed it!! i was retching all day afterwards, but I DID clean it up....oh yukkkkkkk...)


and i love the idea of a 'spare clothes box for grown ups'!! :o

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I try to keep a spare t-shirt in the car for just those occassions. xD

Talking of snot. My youngest son used to have the snottiest nose ever, he would sneeze and the snot would almost touch the floor as I screamed 'DONT MOVE' and fetched tissues. One day at playgroup, the mom on duty said she'd been helping him to glue, 'put some glitter here too' she told him, pointing to the glue on the paper, only to find the glue was indeed snot :o

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Sorry, this is something I'vewondered about, in those quieter moments you know! What is snot?

Wikipedia says...


Snot may also refer to:


Snot (Saxon), a Saxon chieftain who founded the city of Nottingham (Sorry Sue R ) :o

A slang word meaning snob

A "snotty" is Royal Navy slang for a midshipman

Snot (band), metal/punk/funk band

Snott, character from the video game Earthworm Jim

Sid Snot, an aging biker character performed by Kenny Everett

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A similar thing happened to me once. The children were just going out to play and I was sitting on my chair in the carpet area. One little boy came over to me and before he could tell me he felt sick, was sick all over me. Luckily my husband was at home and was able to bring me a change of clothes. It soon went around the parents and the poor mum was never allowed to forget it. :oxD

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Sorry, this is something I'vewondered about, in those quieter moments you know! What is snot?

Wikipedia says...


Snot may also refer to:


Snot (Saxon), a Saxon chieftain who founded the city of Nottingham (Sorry Sue R ) :o

Sid Snot, an aging biker character performed by Kenny Everett


Rea, no apology required, we are proud of the original name 'Snottingahem' - yes, honest!!!!!


I well remember Sid Snot - oooh - my years are showing!!


And to add to these celebratory tales, I once was comforting a child being unusually huggy - yes, puke all over me!! I ended up wearing uniform Tee and Sweatshirts with sponged down trousers - but only went home at normal time - Goodness Knows what I must have smelt like!!!!! My husband developed a distinctly 'green' look on my arrival.......

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Euwwww - poor you! I think that I would have been sick too there and then - it's the one thing that I don't have the stomach for!


My mum had a funny incident when she was a supervisor at a playgroup - she was helping a little lad go to the toilet, but as they were in a church hall, there were adult toilets... to help boys 'reach' the toilet, the staff used to allow the children to stand on their feet. Mum asked the boy if he stood up or sat down - he replied that he stood up... mum duly helped him with his clothes, then realised that the little boy wasn't doing just a wee... :o

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