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Grouping Of Children/use Space

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Hi there


A plan of your building, label all of the areas. Describe how the space is used where the children are grouped. Could maybe do an observation describing how children use the space using the plan.


Thats all I could think of!


could be a preschool development officer?


an overview of each area at regular intervals over a sesson or two? showing numbers in area and times and what they a doing / briefly!




Sorry - Preschool development officer - I think she has a new name now form thre Preschool Learning Allliance. i found an interesting articles form community playthings whcih has set me thinking about the use of space.




Yes, Community Playthings do some good articles to set you thinking, don't they?


Yes it has really made me thing about use of space. I ahve printed off there infrmation and whilst we cant afford or have the 'space' for alot of their equipemnt it has made me realise there is alot motre to the use of space. I am always trying to get staff to get use to the idea of defined areas and this will help me getmy point across.



I wondered


- in my area they are Development Workers - just for Birth to three, then Early Years Advisory Teachers, 3 up... all LEA based, but PLA input in training

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