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Happy 5th Birthday Fsf


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Well, I'm off into town and won't be back for a couple of hours so hope to see the record completely broken by the time I get back. Bye! :o

Now there's a challenge Beau!


Drive safely - its cold out there.



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actually beau is a lovely name what do you think about beau? lets take a vote

Doesn't beau mean lovely? I agree - my friend has called her baby Beau. She's getting very big apparently...



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hundreds and hundreds and dont know dont listen to the archers but I would guess so :o

Im not really ahands on farmers wife as we have 3 grown sons so dont need to however they are all wooing tonight!! Did I tell you i didnt even get a card maz after 28years together not even a card!!

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hundreds and hundreds and dont know dont listen to the archers but I would guess so xD

Im not really ahands on farmers wife as we have 3 grown sons so dont need to however they are all wooing tonight!! Did I tell you i didnt even get a card maz after 28years together not even a card!!

But you got a baby lamb of your own to name :o


We've only been together for 18 years but the day I get a valentine's card I will drop stone dead of shock on the spot!



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hundreds and hundreds and dont know dont listen to the archers but I would guess so xD

Well they seem to spend hours and hours in a caravan, and bleating on about the lack of sleep...


That's in between committing adultery in the shower, sleeping with the doctor's wife and having an affair with the cowman.


Although obviously not all at once - that would be a different type of show :o



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what does gambol mean?

is your fellas a farmer too then? Cos they are the most unromantic b... men in the world

gambol - means to skip around like baby lambs do, I think.


No, not a farmer - but from Irish farming stock....



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