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Nursery Timetable For Extra Staff!

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I am just wondering if anyone can offer help?!! I am a nursery teacher in a nursery which is part of an Infant School and we run morning and afternoon sessions each consisting of 2 1/2 hours. Until now there has been just two members of staff but after half term I am going to have an extra teacher assistant- 3 adults, 26 children. Can anyone help in timetabling? We need to spend at least an hour out of doors. Has anyone got any example timetables they can share?


Many thanks



I am just wondering if anyone can offer help?!! I am a nursery teacher in a nursery which is part of an Infant School and we run morning and afternoon sessions each consisting of 2 1/2 hours. Until now there has been just two members of staff but after half term I am going to have an extra teacher assistant- 3 adults, 26 children. Can anyone help in timetabling? We need to spend at least an hour out of doors. Has anyone got any example timetables they can share?


Many thanks


Hello,We are also a school nursery with 3 staff. We run as follows

9/1pmArrive and self registration

Quick whole group carpet time for welcome song, weather etc. using makaton signs. Some younger children may not want to join in at first


9.25/1.25 ish Focus activity children selected, others are allowed to choose freely from activities offered both adultled and free choose or even select themselves


Snack is put out with childrenhelping and this is left out all session


9.40/1.40 the doors are opened and children are allowed to choose whether to work

indoors or out.


10.50/1.50ish tidy up music and all help indoors and out.


11/3pm ish song time /action games whole group


coats on, hand out pictures letters etc. home time 11.30/3.30


it seems to work. We all take turns to be responsible for an area each week

craft/messy, carpet area home corner books, writing maths area etc. and outdoors

It seems to work for us as each person can update their area after observing the childrens interests during the day. During very cold or hot weather we will take turns tp be oautdoors. Hope this is a help to you


Hi, Im a Nursery teacher too. Just wondring how many asessed focus activties you do each week? Is it one with a different group each day or more? one inside and one outside? We have 2 members of staff.


Posted (edited)



That was really helpful thank you. :o


How many focused tasks do you do in a session? If you have a set focused task for example- chinese mark making for Chinese new year do you carry it out with all children over the course of the week or not?, or do you just complete it with a group?


Also what is your tidy up music- Im trying to find a lovely song.


many, many thanks

Edited by Guest

We have three staff for 30 children in each session. My self (the teacher) and two nursery nurses. Our Nursery consists of 2 rooms (adjoined, but out of sight of each other), and an outdoor area off of one of the rooms.


The 3 staff work on a rota. One member of staff "floats" in the main room, interacting and playing with children, also completing observations. They also do the register and carpet times. The second member of staff works on a focus activity - could be a phonics or number group with a specific group of children, or could be just a focus activity linked to our topic plans. This could be indoors or out. This member of staff also sets up activities outside and opens the door half an hour or so into the session, so that children have the choice of playing indoors or out.

The third member of staff is in our adjoining room (we call it the art room), which contains art workshop, water tray, malleable table, and also the bathroom is off of here. (We have many children needing lots of support to use the toilet) This member of staff works and interacts with children in this room and is also in charge of preparing snacks and washing up during story time.


We have snack time altogether in our colour groups - (non-ability) red, yellow, blue (with keyworker). We often share news, do counting, listening games, etc during this time. We split into 2 groups for story, as we find that having 30 children (80% are EAL) is not ideal for their focus and attention.


We change roles each day, so we all have equal time in each role of the rota.

Each member of staff is responsible for their colour group's records and observations, although I over-see them all.


A typical morning session goes like this: (afternoon repeats 12.45 - 3.15)


8.55 Children arrive. Come to carpet area for register, couning, calendar and weather chart.

9.10 Child-intiated play and focus activities.

9.45 Doors are opened to outside, children have choice of indoor or outdoor play.

10.40 Children help to tidy up

10.45 Carpet time for singing or topic activity

10.55 Snack time. Sat at tables in our groups. Social chat, counting, phonics games, etc

11.10 Story time in two groups

11.25 Home time


On Thursdays, we have a hall time. Half the class do P.E with 2 members of staff, the other half do music with the other member of staff in the classroom. Groups change each half-term.


We have 3 adults to 39 children, plus are part of a foundation unit i.e. 99 children altogther, 6 members of staff. Still trying to get the staffing right but nursery wise,

1 outside, 1 IES (bumped heads, snack table, changing children, technically observations but difficult to fit in when doing all of the other!), 1 play support - either focused activity or reflecting on children's needs and following where the interests lie.

Timetable -

9 am register, weather etc

9-9.20 phonics/maths/etc input in 3 groups

9.20-11.00 indoor and outdoor play

11.00 water, brain gym, story/circle time in 2 groups

11.30 children leave


hope that helps x

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