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Hi I have been asked to work with a group of children for whom English is not there first language. I have no idea where to start really :o I have been told that there needs to be a clear structure to the planning for this xD Any help from you lovely people would be greatly appreciated. I am sure once I get going I will be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks


Hi spaceman, are you able to be a litle more specific about what your remit is?

For example, are you taking this group out of class on a regular basis, or working with them in class alongside the class teacher? Also what is the level of English? What you would do with them could be very different if they have no ENglish and are just learning words, from children who have some English but who may be learning to put words and sentences together.


Its worth finding out what is happening in class for this group so that you can focus on any specific language they may be focussing on in class.


Hi Mundia The children have some english but miss lots of language at carpet times, when playing alongside other children,topic language. I will be working in class and taking them out. My ideas so far are visual timetable, props during story times,small group activites(ideas???)to encourage social development.............. I only work in the classroom for 2 hours in the afternoons(only 1 afternoon specifically with these children) so really need to maximise my impact around the classroom and try and implement strategies to develop their language/social skills :oxD


You might find this document from Primary National Strategy useful - it can be downloaded from their website


Supporting children learning English as an additional language (Guidance for practitioners in the EYFS)



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