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My setting have received an application form from our LEA to apply to be a LFSP. It basically says that anyone currently working with the under 5's can apply and you need to have at least 2 years experience as well as demonstate how you work to best practice etc! Apparently those that are chosen will be expected to visit other settings, have visitors come to their setting and to be involved in consultations/training etc for which the LEA will fund 10 days per year for those people? Just wondering if anyone else had hear of this schme?


Yes, I have heard of that scheme and someone on here has either applied to be one or been apporached to be one...let's hope they read this thread!! :o


Think it just depend on your LA - we have leading teachers for lit/num organised by my team, and some FS teachers are in that but its not a borough wide EYFS type of scheme.



It has been happening in Hertfordshire for a few years now and is working really successfully. The money for the 10 visits is to cover the supply though so don't get excited about getting some extra cash!! It has been really good experience and I would recommend it if you get the chance. Good luck!

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