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I wonder if anyone can help me by supporting two of my nursery nurses to talk about their learning styles i know there are three different ones or i think there are unless im wrong. im tryin to help them determine their own learning style as my assessor is coming out to to observe me and that is one thing she willl observe me on. not sure wether to talk about the different learning styles and then get them to feeback there views or is there another way i could do this like a questionaire to get them to answer for me then to feedback to them. really aint sure how to handle this one.i think i may know what one of there learnings styles are by just supporting her but this is my view I have looked at kolb's learning styles and have looked on business balls also. any help will be great thank you in advance :o


VARK Theres a questionnaire on here plus other information.

Remember though that even with a prefered learning style, most people benefit from a mixture of methods depending on where they are, what time of day it is and what they are being asked to do. Its also linked to Maslows hierarchy of needs.

If basic needs arent met, warmth, light, food, you wont/cant learn effectively.



I was so excited when saw someone wanted help on something I'd just enjoyed finding out about...

"Me miss, me miss, ask me, ask me" (jumping up with hand in the air) :o



PS nurserynurse35, Maslow did this in 1940's America, and only studied high achievers, peoples needs might differ now and might also differ by culture.

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