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We have a little boy who absolutely loves anything to do with football!!!

Every week we plan activities for two childrens interests, so next week its his special week.

I would love to hear some of your ideas for things to do around football ??


How about blow football, make a 'ball' out of paper and blow through straws; design a football shirt either an old t-shirt or use paper for a 2D shirt; team games; real football game; a football kit dressing up box or dressing up day with hats, scarves too


Some football magazines/comics/books in the literacy/book corner? Or near the mark-making area?


science (KUW) - man made (astro-turf) and natural turf. Leather/plastic footballs, properties of football boots compared to trainers.

PSE - choosing teams, being a good loser and a good winner

Creative - Football songs / chants , I remember a boy in my preschool spent every day of one summer term singing the Chelsea song, something like Blue is the colour, football is the game........? :o - dance - mexican wave - music - football rattles ( if you know what mean), refs whistles, colours for different teams.

design a team logo. Make a model football pitch with goals, scoreboard, advertising boards. Model football players, photo ( or drawing) of each child from waist up, glue on to card, cut two holes in card (below waist) to insert fingers for legs, use a small ball to 'finger kick' around the model pitch.

CLL - Book "Pass it Polly", mark making, score board etc. produce a sports page ( look at examples of newspaper sports pages, comics with football stories. Talk about the names of the teams they support, names of players they know etc

Physical-obviously play the game, leg strengthening excersices, stretches / fitness training, dribbling, no touching ball with hands ( a hard one this)

Maths - sorting pairs of football socks, matching team shirts, number sequencing ( I had some numbered football shirts that hang on a line, got them from primary Plan - Here's the link,


Have fun



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