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where I live in kent I know that their is a free fruit scheme available to infant school children. could anybody tell me if this applies yet to pre schools as well. We are encouraging healthy snacks at pre school but finding that we spend a lot of money doing this and free fruit would definately help!

thank you




Hi Sandie


Am new to this site so forgive me if I mess up!! Just read your FREE FRUIT post. I am from Essex and work at a pre school. We were told that we could either receive free milk or fruit. Don't know if that is the same in Kent. The school we are attached to gets the free fruit for Reception YR1 and YR2 children. They also get some very strange things as well as the normal apples, oranges, carrots etc. Mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes (1 each and v. messy without a plate!!) single strawberries etc!! Don't know if that helps?!




Hi, I am in Kent, and I have been investigating this as we too spent alot of money on healthy snacks. The local schools do get the free entitlement, but according to our EYATs and Early Year Teachers, there doesnt seem to be any funding for preschools at all - disgusting !!


oh thank you, maybe we should all complain to eyat's etc, as it does seem unfair. I think free fruit would probably be more beneficial than free milk at our preschool as many choose squash. however we are about to move to milk or water only so that could change !


We don't get free fruit either....but to cut the cost we ask parents to bring in 1 or 2 pieces of fruit per week for the fruit basket. I Must say parents are very good at remembering and generous...our fruit basket looks lovely. It's just a suggestion to help you keep cost down.



We at the start of each term give a plastic small bowl with lid (69p) or make sure they have last terms, to each parent with childs name on. The child brings in their own snack A list of healthy suggestions is on the wall The parents are vey good and it works very well If a childs mum forgets ect we always have snack in fridge for them The children find their own snack box by name, when they want to have it, we can see who has and who hasent. One week a month we provide the snacks, Unusual foods fruits ect ,

I could not really afford snacks as well as other things we provide

So I would join the call for free fruit for preschools


Please complain to someone higher up than EYATs- the government maybe?


Poor EYATs agree with you -free fruit should be available- but are powerless to do anything about it!!!!


we too ask parents to supply the fruit, we put a list of suggestions out each week and parents indicate what they will supply, we too often find they just bring in something for the children. Some give every week others once a month allows them to supply within their means.


we feel it shows good partnerships with parents involving them in the pre-school.




The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme


The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is part of the 5 A DAY programme to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.


Under the Scheme, all four to six year old children in LEA maintained infant, primary and special schools will be entitled to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. It was introduced after the NHS Plan 2000 included a commitment to implement a national school fruit scheme by 2004.




We are in Leicestershire. I e-mailed the SFVS team and the following is the reply they gave. Hope it is of help to someone.


Dear Brenda,


Thank you for your email regarding your pre schools eligibility to join the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme, the scheme is available to all LA maintained Primary, Infant and Special schools with children aged 4-6.

Nurseries that are LA maintained, share the same DfES number and are on the same site as school that is eligible for the scheme would also receive the free fruit and vegetables.


If you require any further information please dont hesitate to contact us on 01924 328 518.


Kind regards


The SFVS Team.


Thats a big help Brenda!

At our pre-school, we ask each family to provide a big of apples each half term as apples keep well. Our LEA advisor was in one day (hope she never comes back!) and said 'what if they don't like apples' so now we supply a selection of fruit but it is costly. The staff bring in bits that they have spare and some parents are very generous and bring in a variety while others don't even bring in the apples. In the good old days, before it was considered a deadly sin to give them one biscuit, the parents used to bring in a packet every half term and that used to be enough so no cost to the pre-school. At our recent Ofsted, the inspector was upset because the children didn't have a plate to put their apple on!


Found this quote on the following web site:


"Free Milk for the Under 5s (FMU5) offers free

milk to children under age 5 in registered daycare and nurseries. The School

Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) offers free fruit or vegetables to

schoolchildren aged 4-6 in LEA-maintained primary, infant and special

schools. After a consultation exercise, the DH has proposed reforming the

Welfare Foods scheme to offer a choice of either fruit or milk to children

under age 5 in nursery education (DH 2004)."





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