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I have been asked to write a school impormvemnt plan for the early years- Foundtion stage. Can anybody help me about the language, format and things that I could include.

Immediate issues are staff training,

time for feedback and planning

development of outdoor area

development of aseesment, observation and planning.

I am the only qualified person in the setting - Nursery teacher

Rest of teh staff have either no qualification or have been in a old style reception class as a TA so ther is need for overhauling and training.

Please can anybody help :o


Hi leo. We have action plans rather than SDP just for foundation and our action plan then forms part of the SDP/SIP, along with those of the other phases and subjects.

If you think the format would be of any use to you, I can try and find it and email it to you.


I havent fogotten Leo, I just cant find my office through the mess, let alone any single document. Am I the only really untidy person here?


No Mundia, you should see my house!

Comes with the territory a bit I think as I have a hoarding instinct and reluctance to throw anything away, just in case...

Trouble is husband is the same and so are ths boys now and they're not teachers!


Anyway on topic, can't help much but your training needs must be a prioity mustn't they Leo? If you're not all thinking the same way, you're going to have problems with implementation.

Good luck. School should also be able to give you some guidance or your LEA.

Featherstone Education have a book about auditting the Foundation Stage. could that be a starting point?


Don't come and see my house. I promised my husband we'd have a tidy house once I finished my studying- did the nneb, the PGCE and now been teaching -hasn't got any better. Just hide it better -behing sofas, under cushions. No one throws out anythng incase they might be 'resources'! xD But the thing is I'm not a hoarder :o just untidy I guess. I try to keep tidy at work so it has to have an outlet somewhere!!!!


Hi Leo - It's quite easy once you get started although it seems quite daunting at first. We have a three year plan which I have cut and pasted below. Remember it is personal to my setting and does not necessarily meet your needs but it can give you a starting point. The headings follow a school format so each member of staff contributed their own piece.


Aims 1. To review H&S issues in and around the car park area

2. To review organisation of the nursery in the light of recent staff reductions3. To complete self evaluation for nursery provision4. To evaluate the foundation stage profile5. Improve links within the foundation stage 6. To improve safety and develop the outside play area7. To improve access and facilities for disabled8. To improve lighting in office and children’s ICT area in line with H&S regulations regarding use of computers and improve organisation of children’s ICT area9. To develop science teaching10. To maintain the structure and good working order of the services for the nursery building11. Improve provision for inclusion

Key Tasks 1. S/T Immediate joint risk assessment of the car park with *******, set of rules for the car park. 2. S/T Install a clothing cupboard in the children’s toilets for ease of changing children. M/T Discuss with HT the possibility of additional staff at the start of the session during the period when we are settling new children i.e. first few weeks of autumn & spring term M/T review Nursery Nurse hours as part of the workforce remodelling M/T Improve communication links with the school main building general and in an emergency3. S/T-M/T - L/T -Meetings with link Governor to complete self evaluation documents · Admission and Induction – spring term 2004 · Planning – summer term 2004· Learning and Teaching – autumn term 2004 · Assessment and Reporting –spring term 2005· Resources – summer term 2005· Communication with parents – autumn term 2005· Outdoor Learning Environment – spring term 20064. S/T meetings with reception class staff5. S/T-M/T increase number of opportunities for interactions between nursery/foundation children 6. S/T improve out door facilities by providing permanent matting for brick play, creating bays using trellis panels to promote out door imaginary play and literacy area. Improve safety by providing a barrier between playground area for wheeled toys and the safety matting surrounding the climbing frame. Improving the nature area replacing bark chipping after laying a weed membrane. 7. S/T get quote for improved access and disabled toilet.8. S/T get quote for strip lighting in office and children’s ICT area, additional work space for keyboards and re designate broadband electrical connection9. M/T review science teaching in the nursery10. M/T replace broken backup pump for hot water supplyM/T redecoration of therapy room and develop use into a quiet room / activity room cover mirror and disconnect audio link. 10. L/T review provision for inclusion and look at feasibility of installing a hearing loop into the nursery building.

Lead Staff *********

Finance 1. No resources identified as yet.2. Purchase of and installation of wall cupboard in children’s toilets. Additional staffing. Communication links.3. No resources identified as yet.4. No resources identified as yet.5. No resources identified as yet.6. Outdoor matting, trellis panels, fencing panels, bark chipping and weed membrane.7. Install disabled toilet, move front entrance to the edge of the recessed area to accommodate this, infill mat well. 8. Strip lighting X3 + length of work top 9. Nursery budget?10. Quote for new pump in school, general decoration.11. Hearing loop.

Timetable S/T by July 2004M/T by July 2005L/T by July 2006

Inset Opportunities for planning organisational strategies. Science for the Foundation stage.Further needs should be identified by self-evaluation framework.

PerformanceCriteria Improved safety for the children, parents, staff and visitors around the entrance to and in the car park. Staff will feel valued and supported.Identification of strengths and areas for development.Well developed out side play area.Improved facilities for the disabled.Pleasant working environment Modernisation of building in the light of H&S regulations Science a strength in teaching and learning Resources in place to allow for full inclusion of pupils with special needs.


Well done if you have got here!


Thanks mimi

much appreciated. It just gives me a starting point form which to develop. :o

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