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Diffrent Types Of Obsavations


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Hiya me again :o


I need help on the diffrent kids of ways to obsave the children like time sample etc I need to do it for my nvq3 i need to show them i know how to do the diffrent ways


the way what i do at the moment is i witre down and obsvation of them doing somthing and do the next step


but i need to do other ways aswell

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Written/narrative observations:- This is written in the present tense and is a sort of running commentary on what the child is actually doing.


Sampling:- This can be a time sample, an event sample or for a target child.


Flow charts:- This can be used to track a child's movements around the room or to record interactions between small groups of children.


Target child:- This focuses on one child and is usually recorded on a prepared chart using codes.


There are other types of observations out there - I found "How to Observe Children" by Sheila Riddall-Leech and published by Heinemann (2005), to be invaluable when doing my DPP.


Hope this helps. I'm sure there'll be others out there with more ideas.


Good luck.


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I found the best tip I had when doing a narrative ob was to use paper such as computer print out stuff. If its the ob I'm thinking of you had to write everything the child does and says in one minute intervals, so it could be handy to have someone close by who can tell you each minute. the obs lasted for 10 mins and then while everything is still fresh, you write them up into more consise notes ready to type properly later. Its amazing what you can see doing this type of ob and its my favourite. It does take practice though for you to know what you're looking for and at. It helps to have your own codes for things as you will have to write quickly noting so much at times.


The target child is ok but if you use the codes, of which I remember a very few You have o presume everyone else will know them and so far I havent met anyone who uses them, but it can be good for getting an overview of things like play solitary (sol), next to but not joining in (parellel), with another child (pairs). There are loads of other codes but memory isnt what it was xD


The flow chart was called the spider grid I think. You had to draw all the resources available on a sheet of paper (in a circle works well) and show where the child was at 10 min intervals, adults were included as a resource. This ob shows if the child moves around the room but doesnt show the quality of the experiences or how long they were at each activity.


I know there are more but thats it from me :o

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