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Pizza Shop Roleplay

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Hi there


We are startign a mini topic in our food project, opening a pizza shop roleplay, any ideas / previous planning appreciated


cheers everyone




just to let you know I deleted your double topic. :o




Hope the attachments are useful.

We collected old pizza boxes (you could go to a delivery delivery place and ask for some too). I bought some cheap baskets and tied them to the front of our bikes etc for delivery vehicles and added signs.

A laminated order sheet and a whiteboard pen work well, make a change from paper and pens.

We didn't have specific planning as we are following a child initiated play format.

Good luck! Its great fun.





could you visit a pizza place first with the chn and then get them to decide what is needed, that way you can see what their prior experience of the scenario is.


This has been a very popular topic with us in the past.perhaps...


Make collage pizza (yellow wool for grated cheese, green bottle tops for peppers etc) on a paper plate, write on the childs name clearly then cover it with sticky pack plastic to use in the pizza parlour. the children enjoy making sure the pizzas are matchjed up with the right owner!


Make simple pizzas with a slice of bread - so much cheaper than pizza bases when you have a lot of children.


Outdoors - A natural pizza using leaves twigs and loads of lovely mud.


Also, if you ring pizza hut they will usually give you one of their old posters as they change them reguarly.


We went to Pizza Express. They were brilliant with the children. They each wore a hat and apron, tasted different toppings then made their own pizza. We then took them back to school to eat. They also gave us lots of things to take back to school such as hats, napkins etc.

Pizzas with felt toppings are great.

I also delivered a letter one morning telling the children that I was a environmental officer, come to visit the restaurant to check it was clean and tidy. What the children did not know is that the night before I had placed some dirty plates and pretend insects in the role play area. They responded brilliantly, totally surprised! We got lots of discussion from this and afterwards the restaurant was kept much more tidy.


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