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Ideas For Music Assembly?

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The week after next my school is having a music assembly where each class has to show what they have been doing in music for a couple of minutes (either a song, chn playing instruments etc). For music we do beat baby so could do that but my chn are still really struggling to keep the beat so that could be a disaster! I was wondering if anyone has any great ideas - our topic for this week is Autumn and then next week it's superheroes. I'm not the slightest bit musical and neither is my NN so we are a bit stuck at the moment. Does anyone have any ideas of something we could do that ties into either of those two themes???


A quick and simple one for singing is question and answer songs. Sung by 2 groups of children , one to sing the question and the other to sing the answer.-Mary, mary quite contrary, baa, baa black sheep, do you know the muffin man. Sorry they don't fit with topics.



Id not worry about perfection and do some of your favourite beat baby activities with the explanation that " we are learning to and sometimes its still quite tricky!"



Have fun.


Hi, can I ask what Beat Baby is please? I am always looking for new muisc ideas. Thanks :o


Have you got the Music Express book that was discussed recently on the forum - some good songs & simple activities linked to them that you might be able top use?

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