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Hiya i have started useing the EPFS now and i would throught of showing the planning i do


i only print the sheets off weekly so if i need to change it etc i can


Weekly planning sheet


the weekly planning is what i do each week for each child

  • At the moment where doing aout humpty dumpty so any actvites what we do to do with that top we write what the actctive was what areas it coved and watch stage so like 40-60 or 30 - 50 months then we write the date and time what there did it
  • We do an obseavation and when we do the next step we put that down on the weekly planning sheet aswell
  • If we just do some free sticking or painting or colouring whats not to do with the topic or an obavation we wtite that down as well


Prinsples in the practice sheets


On this we put down in the route section what things we did are doing that day so most days i put down

  • Meal times
  • toileting
  • arivers and depaots
  • pre-school pick



As there are the main things we do each day ten i also put down as well things like storytime if there read or looked at books or small world play or duplo or making mucial instaments etc and i link it up with each of the four areas it covers and aslo the six ares of leanring


i also have linked a copy of my obsavtion sheet which we do and after we have done the obsavtion and the next step i do an evuation of how the activite went i have linked that sheet as well


8 - 20 months booklet


Thats an exmaple of what i put in frount of each childs folders there have one for each age stage


so all the avtivites there do there are numbered so the week i started doing the EYFS we did baking with 3 of the boys we looked after and that was there first activty there did linked with EYPFS so that was activty 1 so the next activity i did after that was number 2 etc so with the baking actvity i took picutrs of them doing and i stuck the pictures on paper and worte about them and then somewhere at the top of the paper i put activity 1 then in the booklet age stage 30 - 50 months i put number 1 in the activty boxs next to the things what it coveed (which was a lot of stuff) etc and the same for the obsvations but i put the number in the obsvation coloum and then i have put a coloum what im going to link the Bttm Obseavtions in aswell.


so really everything what i do i link in up with the EYPS and its working so far and my asser as looked it (im doing my NVQ3 CCLD) and thinks its great







yeah there are easy to use and fill in and im not that much more work then i was before

  • 7 months later...

Your forms are great - thanks for sharing. :o

  • 3 years later...

Brilliant I've been looking for something simple as I have been putting my activities in my electronic calendar but also wanted to expand it to show which development stage I'm covering in my planning - thanks for sharing

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Teresa -

Welcome to the FSF! :1b


It's probably worth noting that these documents were posted in 2007 and are therefore the 'old' (still current of course but being replaced by the new EYFS) EYFS.

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