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Seems to come round so quickly :o


We have been asked to use 'report assist' for the first time this year in nursery, wondered if anyone has any experienece of using it and is it any good.?


We havent written formal reports before in nursery, but shared infornation through our prfoiles and the childrens 'special' book which they take home at the end of the year.


Sorry to appear ignorant, but haven't come across'report assist', would be interested to hear about it and people's experiences.


We write reports twice a year, (too often I sometimes think, especially when lacking inspiration), and follow them up with parent interviews. We try to encourage parents to come to at least one of them, as sometimes the home/setting communication is less efficient than it should be. :o


Sue :D


I've used report assist in my last school. I found it useful especially when you feel you're stuck for a phrase to use or you feel you've overused one. I wish we used report assist in my school bec it didi make life easier. Sitting outdoors with a glass of wine at this time of the year does not alwys make the words flow but with report assist atleast you could find the words you couldn't come up with yourself. You just type in the child's name and sex and it automatically performs the he/she pronouns in the text.

I found it easy to use.




I've used Report Assist for a couple of years and find it easy to use. The only thing that I felt was that it needs a good proof read and edit once you've done the report. You need to work it into good English, otherwise it just looks like a disjointed set of phrases. The joy is clicking on the phrases which imports them into the report automatically. If there is a phrase that you want to adapt there is the facility to do that then save it into the databank of phrases, which can be useful.


One icon you can click on will show you statements graded by ability (related to stepping stone order) again sometimes easier than wading through all the statements in front of you.


Happy writing. I must start my own soon, but I'm still ploughing through profiles!


On another subject, glad to hear Ofsted being positive about play in Early Years today on the news.




We've used Report Assist for the past 2 yrs. I spent the first yr adding my own phrases as I felt many were too 'wordy' - consequently this took hours!

It was a little easier last yr, but needs some work to make reports personal.


I'm using report assist for the first time this year, and it does help with some phrases, although like others have said I've often added my own. As I'm doing 2 sets of reports (foundation and KS1 reports, god I hate mixed classes sometimes!) it's good to get some ideas and also means you can copy and paste general stuff like what topics we've covered over the year!

Having said that, I've only done2 FS ones and my SEN lad's and just the personal comments on everyone's, so a fair bit to go!



good luck to everyone!


We used Report Assist and although at first we were not keen we did get used to it and found it very useful. You can personalise it and add your own comments or change the ones on the software if they don't quite fit. We used it for 30 children's reports and so it really helped to focus on what the children are able to do. Some of the curriculum areas are better than others with a wider choice of statements but at least it does allow you to add your own stuff!! I have got to write my own this year and I am not looking forward to it!

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