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Music- Story Telling To Encourage Parents

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Does anyone know a song about Hansel and Gretel? Or a song that would go well with other stories?

I know When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears..

The reason I am asking is because we are setting up a story telling club- we are going to invite parents to come with their children... but we want it to be more than just story telling- to make something, sing a song etc.

This is a new initiative to try to encourage parents to come into school more and to be involved. We hope to have our feeder nursery schools and parents involved... any ideas appreciated.


I ran a workshop for parents recently all about stories and rhymes and one of the activities that we did as a group was to set a well known traditional story to music - a really simple tune like The Wheels on the Bus or Twinkle Twinkle. It was a real success - we just broke down each story to the bare storyline and made up short verses for each bit, making them rhyme if possible. The parents loved it and got quite competitive! I wrote all the songs down, took them away and made them into a book for all the parents to share with their children.


Thank you for all your ideas everyone- there are some fantastic sites there Rea. Thank you.


Now all I need is to find some music to play on the piano- I forgot to mention that I need piano music, or guitar chords.


Your welcome suzybell, I cant help with the piano or guitar but any other requests will be looked at, I'm off work with the worst cold I've had in a couple of years so plenty of time to google.


Hi everyone- in searching for traditional tales songs- I did come across some brilliant web sites on music:


http://www.sibeliusmusic.com- you can find almost any song on here



Anyone else who finds music to download- piano music - I would appreciate it. I am still looking for a Hansel and Gretel song.


i won't be writing much today .. I've been sent home- I have been very sick!!

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