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Fda Study Books


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Hello - I have just registered with my local university to start the 2yr FdA and would like to purchase some more books now with my birthday money!

I have already ordered and am reading the core texts as recommended by the tutors, but there are so many fantastic looking other books that I could do with some experienced students to point me in the right direction.

Thank you very much.


Hi there, just wanted to welcome you in - I'm sure someone will be along momentarily to help with your query!! :o




Hi and welcome to the forum :o


My favourite books at the moment are Planning for the Foundation Stage: Ideas for Themes and Activities

by Penny Tassoni

The Foundation Stage Teacher in Action: Teaching 3, 4 and 5 year olds: Teaching 3,4 and 5 Year Olds by Margaret Edgington

There should be someone along soon who can help with your course.


Thank you very much for those.


As I am a childminder who is not accredited to follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum, and therefore don't have any experience of implementing it, will I find it particularly hard to cope with that side of the course?


I am very interested in learning more about children's learning and development to provide my own ways of improving my service. I observe and keep records already but don't in any way tie them into the Foundation Stage.


I know that with the EYFS I will be needing to do this more from the end of next year, but will I manage ok doing the degree course with no prior experience of Foundation Stage implementation? Is it a big part of the course? I am worrying now.


I am doing the BA in Early Childhood studies so am not sure how compatible the books are - am sure others will have more idea than me but these are some of my favourite books..


"Just playing?" by Janet Moyles


"Supporting Identity, Diversity and Language in the Early Years" by Siraj-Blatchford and Clarke.


Also I really love Tina Bruce - she is easy to read and I have found her books invaluable.


Hope this helps!!


Thanks pickle - off to Amazon now!


I think the Foundation Stage thing should be ok.


I have read the blurb again from the universtity and they say that the course is suitable for anyone who works with children from 0-8 including health workers.


I wouldn't expect Health Workers to have any more knowledge of FS than me.


Hi Casully..


To be honest, my current module is studying children 0-3 (which I don't have loads of experience with) and Foundation is more my thing. I think they probably just take all of that into account as you learn as you go.


Anyway with regard to the EYFS - hopefully it'll make things less complicated for the likes of us - or am I just living in hope???!!!



Hi casully - just wanted to add my voice to the welcome! :o

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