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Hi All,


Could anyone give me ideas please on where to find information about the Start Right Report 1994, i have to read it as part of my E123 homework, but everytime i put it into Google, i click on a link to read the report, but all i get is shopping sites and other pages which are not what i clicked on.


Thank you




have you been on your e123 course website usually the articles that you need to access are available to download from there, you need to go to www.open.ac.uk sign in and click on E123. Hope this helps.


I agree with belle06 the OU normally provide a link to any documents they expect you to read.

I tried googling under the author and did find a couple of links but the actual document is seemingly only available to buy.

It might be an idea to post a message on the E123 conference and see how others have managed or failing that how about contacting your tutor?

Good luck and hope you find it :o


Went to a tutor group on Saturday and the tutor said there is no point reading beyond the course materials as she hasn't read it, so if we use it for references or evidence she can't mark it.....


I just watched the DVD (halo polished!) - interesting....


Sarahx :o


Sorry, Sarah, I think that's a bit 'off'!!


Maybe she has to keep within course materials, but she really shouldn't be discouraging you from doing further reading... how else are you going to better your knowledge? And isn't a degree about just that??




I can vouch for Sarah - was at the same tutorial, and heard the same comment.

By the way rosepetal, the Start Right report referred to is in the Reader, but not made that obvious.

We were also advised not to use adjectives in the TMA01, but how else would you 'describe' your setting, as the question asks - unless it's just a list of facts? Any help out there?


I went to my first tutorial last saturday. Got to know all my tutor group as the tutor was one hour late. She was at another venue!!!!! She sent us all an individual e-mail with the name and address of the venue beforehand.

Anyway, the hour we had left was spent talking about the TMA01. There was no mention about not using adjectives - how indeed do we describe something?

Sorry I can't help out here - perhaps it is just a fact based description she is after - they are all different (tutors) and seem to want to see different things in the TMA's.

Good luck with it Hen Lady.


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