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Has anybody ever filled in a 3 month review for an LPG meeting, I'm a little confused it seems to want the review done broken down into the every child matters framework i.e be healthy, make positive contribution. I'm really not sure how to fill it in, just wondered if anybody else has come across these?

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An LPG meeting is a Local preventitive Meeting, where all the professionals involved with a child with special needs all meet together at the same time, but i seem to have been given the lead profesional and have to fill in the review forms which i have never done before and liaiase with everyone!!!!!!! This form has really got me confused i have no idea how to fill it in!!!

Tried phoning for advice and they said to consult the every child matters document for guidance!!!!

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Oh right we have similiar but not called that when they say look at the framework do they mean look at what extra support the child needs to meet each area e.g for enjoy and achieve would the child need support to partiipate fully in activities. This may not be what you mean but if not I am sure some wise person will come along with the answer.

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This is sounding like it might be a CAF - Common Assessment Framework. - does that ring any bells??


If there's the need for more than one external professional that may be it.


If in doubt, contact your early years support team!



Simcity - have you had any training in the Common Assessment Framework??

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yes Sue it is the Caf - I have had training in how to fill out the CAF forms, the procedures to follow, and have been through all that but they don't give you any advice or training on the 3 month review - they just give you the form and expect you to fill it in, trouble is it is divided into the five aspects, it just says being healthy then a comment box next to it!!!!! One for each aspect..... they don't like making life easy do they.... I spoke to my early years team for advice and was advised to read the outcomes..... feel like i'm going round in circles!!!!!!

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