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Please Vote For My Daughter

Hello Kitty

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Hi guys, I haven't been on for ages - won't go into why as too long and involved.... BUT!

My daughter (almost 13) has entered a competition and I would REALLY appreciate it if you would check out the website www.instantpopstar.co.uk, put Bethany J in the search and if you think she deserves it (I have to be honest and say there are some excellent singers on there!) please please vote for her. You get 20 votes so if you want you can use them all on her :o I've also found out that if you have user accounts on your pc, they all get 20 votes! I feel cheeky asking especially when I haven't been an active member for ages (I used to be on as another person...) but when I've posted in other forums everyone has been really supportive and as this has always been the most supportive of hte forums I visit I thought it was worth a go!!!


Hope everyone's OK and I promise to try to be more active again - honest!


Thank you lovely people!

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Well I'm not offended, given her a vote mainly for her bravery, it takes a lot of guts to put yourself in the spotlight, especially at her age. :o


Wishing her well.



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