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National Strategy Med Term Planning For Fs

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[color="#FF00FF"]At my school the Lit and Num co-ordinators have asked everyone to complete their med term planning using the new national strat document.


Normally we do not do med term plans but the co-ords have asked me to complete one as a favour, i said yes (none to enthusiastically) and planned to do it over the holidays




I can't find the format for med term planning in the FS. Any ideas?[/color]

I think FS is a problem for all the advisers too since strictly speaking we don't need to use it.


Personally (as an advisor) I think of it as a problem with coordinators. All the PNS materials reference the EYFS documents and the pedagogy outlined is clearly that of the EYFS, so why oh why coordinators in schools are failing to get with the programme and change their way of looking at reception and how the curriculum is delivered is beyond me! It infuriates us as a PNS team that this is the case as it leads to mixed messages with our support from within the schools themselves.

"The early years will look and feel different to the rest of the school" is something a regional advisor said recently, and creating the picture talks about planning and assessment not being a watered down version of KS1. Maybe all subject coordinators should have to spend at least a year in each phase in order to keep their post (and their credibility)?



I couldn't agree more. Both our of co-ordinators teach in Year 6 so they really are incredibly detached from the Foundation Stage. I understand that they need to understand what we do, and so i'm sure for them a natural progression is for the plans to be in the same format.


previously i have used the old medium term plans which cited elgs, ss and PIPS steps. this was not tooo bad.


also looking at the lit. are we supposed to do all those units- all about myself, etc. cus sometimes i can meet the same obj but fit it around our topic based plan (i know topic's- tut tut). some of these units could be a bit plucked form the air if you know what i mean.


ooooh the head ache. But i'm sure if i phoned the co-ordinators they will have even less of an idea than me!!! what to do?


While agreeing with Catma's sentiments I still feel that it is significant that while LA Numeracy and Literacy teams are publishing on their web sites, MTP and STP for ALL year groups apart from the FS.


I think that as there are so many different ways of working it is not as clear cut as creating a model year plan for a KS1 class, because there isn't just have one way of delivering the eyfs. For a childminder a mtp will look very different to a day nursery, to a class in a small school with different ages in it, to a nursery unit etc etc etc. This is why nationally the principles for planning etc have been clarified (creating the picture) but the professionalism of practitioners is seen as the main requirement to develop plans that meet the needs of the children more specifically. In the NC the the units and strands are predetermined and you just have to fill in the blocks and decide the order of your units within one subject area. For ey's it's integrating all 6 areas etc and is very dependent on the local knowledge of the children's lives and experiences. For sure I could create a plan that would make sense to how I approach teaching Yr R in an abstract way but it's not going to really meet the needs across the sector. I would rather share different plans developed by different teams over time so we can share that variety of approaches and help teams decide what will work for them. The literacy and numeracy also has a very web based planning approach which is also difficult in a sector where not everyone has access to IT but you can expect teachers in KS1 and 2 to use the same format because the teaching expectations for Lit/num are the same right up through generally. I do think EYs a very different scenario and one that the EYATs/fs consultants will be leading on rather than the PNS consultants, as they haven't had any input on reception specifically in their training because of the Eyfs roll out.



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