Accessing and managing your account or other members of staff's accounts
If you need some help managing your Tapestry account, or you are having any difficulties accessing your Tapestry account, you can check out these resources.
Retrying a User's Activation (517 visits to this link)
Dealing with the Unsubscribe and Resubscribe Process (577 visits to this link)
How to fix duplicate staff accounts (483 visits to this link)
How to reactivate an inactive or deleted staff member (525 visits to this link)
How to switch staff accounts (563 visits to this link)
How to unlock a locked account (529 visits to this link)
Managing more than one Tapestry account (636 visits to this link)
Different User Status - what do they mean? (498 visits to this link)
What to do if a member of staff can't login (511 visits to this link)
What to do when you are a manager/headteacher leaving your setting (472 visits to this link)
Why you might be getting logged out repeatedly (468 visits to this link)
Troubleshooting for staff member logging in issues (561 visits to this link)