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Institute Of Education Courses

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Event details

The Institute of Education have many courses geared towards Early Years professionals, many led by some well known names in the Foundation Stage - Vicky Hutchin, Ros Bayley and others. Here are some of the course titles for courses running during the Autumn and Spring Terms 2004 and 2005:


  • Preparing for Ofsted inspection in the foundation stage
  • One child, many cultures: celebrating and supporting cultural diversity in the early years
  • Developing English language skills through bilingual rhymes, stories and resources
  • Young children’s sense of time and place: the foundations of history and geography
  • Developing assessment and record keeping processes for the foundation stage profile
  • Enhancing learning through movement, dance and rhythm and beat
  • Music in the early years
  • Maths in the early years
  • Developing a foundation stage unit: (Integrating provision for nursery and reception age children)
  • The foundation stage curriculum and special educational needs


For more information on autumn term course dates, venues and other information, you can download this Word document or visit their website for more general information and spring and summer term courses.

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