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General Articles

146 articles in this category

    Alicia Wilkins writes about working collaboratively with parents - from the perspective of being a parent herself, and having been an early years educator. 
    Caroline Vollans reflects on whether we have a narrow view of risk and risk-taking in the early years. 
    Book confidence coach and best-selling author Winsome Duncan shares some tips on how to go about publishing children's writing and turning it into a real picture book. 
    Educator and Tapestry product support specialist Vanna Fossella shares her reflections after attending a key note talk by Kerry Murphy at the 2024 Newham Early Years Conference. 
    Alicia Wilkins, a mother who has also been a teacher and a home nursery educator, shares her reflections on the transition from home to early years setting for a parent/carer. 
    Senior Lecturer Jayne Garcia looks at some of the theory related to transition between home and early years setting, and shares advice on how to make sure your setting is ready for each child.
    Early years educator and academic Clarissa Frigerio reflects on her research about the life experiences of men in early years education. 
    Speech and Language Therapist Ruth Jones reflects on how we must sit with our own sense of vulnerability while we learn, adapt and grow, in order to be able to support the Neurodivergent children in our early years settings. 
    Caroline Vollans finds out more about the Stronger Practice Hubs that are being formed with the aim of supporting evidence based professional development and to share good practice. 
    SEND Advisor Stephen Kilgour shares the Play Development Branch Map he has designed to inform practitioners about the stages of play in a typically developing child. 
    Stephen Kilgour, our SEND Advisor, takes a closer look at this simple but effective way to support the developing communication skills of children with complex additional support needs. This is the first article in a series on pre - verbal communic…
    Leslie Patterson examines the power of 'labels' and the need to find positive language to talk about our young learners. 
    Dr Lala Manners explains some of the essential body systems, what to look out for in children who may not be experiencing enough physical activity, and how to support them. 
    Dr Stella Louis and Hannah Betteridge examine the unconscious biases that impact on the Observe, Assess and Plan process and the vital ongoing work of reflecting on our views, attitudes and beliefs.   
    Additional Needs Advisor Stephen Kilgour reflects on the language we use when we talk about children with additional needs. 
    Jamel Carly-Campbell reflects on how we can stay motivated, be mindful of our wellbeing and continue to find and follow our career pathways, especially in the middle of a global pandemic.    
    Early Years consultant, trainer and author Jenny Barber advises on where settings can focus their training as we learn to live and work with children in a 'new normal'. 
    Dr Rebecca Webb and Kathy Foster, 'teacher' and 'student' respectively on a Masters in Early Years Education course, write about their shared experiences of using the Scrapbook Approach to reflect on uncertainty and 'not-knowing' to inform educatio…
    On Friday 10th January, Ben traveled up to Stratford to attend the Newham Early Years conference, which is now in its 5th year! Here are his notes from the event. 
    Dr Lucretia Carter Berry explores the transformative power of employing positive, affirming words when engaging in anti-racism education with young children. 
    This article examines the role of risk taking in child development and how practitioners can foster a positive attitude to risk in the early years.
    Practitioners do excellent work that goes unnoticed, leading many to feel disconnected and retreat in their field or even their classroom. So, then, many convince themselves that they are “just teachers”. When you are in the classroom, aren’t …
    Sarah Ottewell describes her setting's journey to becoming a Nursery of Sanctuary. 
    We all know the feeling when the Ofsted call comes. Here, childminder Tania Lancaster describes her own experience of a recent Ofsted Inspection. 
    Babies and young children are able to make decisions that are relevant to their lives. This article examines what kinds of decisions children can make at different stages of their development and how practitioners can support them.