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Tapestry Newsletters

Tapestry Newsletter September 2018



News in brief

  • New Feature: Assigning key children by group
  • Webinars


Hi Weavers,

We hope you all had a good summer and a warm welcome to those of you that have just joined Tapestry!

New Feature: Assigning key children by group

We always appreciate any feedback from our customers and we do our best to incorporate many of your suggestions and ideas into Tapestry. We know a feature many of you have requested is the ability to assign key children to staff by groups of children, so this month we were delighted to finally be able to add this! 

Now when you assign key children to staff, you will see there is a ‘Groups’ tab from which you can select children from the manual groups you have set up on your account. To learn how to set up manual groups on your account you can scroll down to the feature focus section! This tutorial will explain how you can assign key children to staff on Tapestry, including how to use this new function. We hope you find this helpful!


If you are new to Tapestry or if you have been using Tapestry for a while and just want to learn more, you might be interested in attending one of our free Tapestry webinars. We run these regularly on set topics, such as ‘how to view progress for groups and individual children’ and ‘how to assess SEND children on Tapestry’. 

You can view all our upcoming webinars, and sign up to them, from our Webinars page on the forum. If there are any topics you wanted to see covered you can also add your suggestions to our Webinars Suggestions section, we’d love to hear your ideas! 

Feature Focus: Setting up groups 

On Tapestry certain groups of children are automatically created based on the information you enter for them, such as gender, cohort year and season born; however, it is also possible to create groups specific for your setting, such as classes and rooms. You can then use these groups when completing your tracking. As well as this, on the browser version of Tapestry you can add observations to groups of children, or select children from a specific group. You'll see this option when selecting children to add to an observation from the 'Groups' tab. 

To set up a manual group on Tapestry you just need to follow this tutorial

Having more than one manager set up on your account

On Tapestry it is possible to set up multiple managers on an account and if applicable, we do recommend having more than one manager set up. This article here goes into more depth about the reasons we suggest this, but the most important one is in case a manager leaves/is unable to login, another person is able to login as a manager. 

If you are already set up as a manager and you want to add someone else, you can follow this tutorial to do so. If the only manager on your account has left your setting, please contact us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info

Edited by Emily