Apparently the government wants those isolating and accessing remote learning to have access to the full curriculum so that they can bring back work to be stuck in books etc as they would if they were in school. There is no official guidance on this, but my head has given those details as to what they are asking.
We have currently been putting our Literacy, Phonics and Maths on to Tapestry for these children to access, but I am wondering what everyone else is doing? Ours does not always require a paper sheet and is more practical such as sorting groups of buttons into 2 piles for more/less and then taking a photo with comments. We have refrained from putting worksheets on to Tapestry as lots of parents complained at not having a printer.
We will also need to put PE, Circle Time, EAD work on there too.
How are you all collecting evidence and how are you providing remote learning? Any help appreciated!