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Emma Bailey_902595195

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Everything posted by Emma Bailey_902595195

  1. At our setting, we would really like to move from paper to electronic for our registers. Does anybody have any suggestions of any programs to use or do you have any advice how to do this please?
  2. Looking for some clarification/advice..... Can committee members be part of the staff team and be counted in numbers? Thank you in advance
  3. Thank you so much everybody x
  4. Hi everybody..some advice needed. I work in a small committee run Pre school with children from 2-4 years. There is a day when there will be 2 staff working. Are they allowed to have a level 3 and an unqualified committee member working? Or does there need to be a level 2 and 3? Thank you in advance
  5. Thank you so much for your ideas
  6. Hello everybody We have just started using Tapestry at our setting. Before Tapestry we have used books that we have stuck photos and observations in for the parents to have the end of the year. With Tapestry we know that we can export the journals for the parents, but we were wondering what other settings do? Do you still print some hard copies out for the parents so that they have something handed to them or do you just send the file to them? Thank you for your help in advance Emma
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