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Emma Bailey_902595195

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    Nursery practitioner

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  1. @louby loo exactly what we are doing at the moment. We are always talking to the parents and communicating with them. I was just interested in what everybody else does in their setting. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Emma
  2. Hello all, Could I ask how often you do progress reports for the children and have parents evening in your setting. We have children from 2years to 4years. Obviously the 2-3 year olds would have their 2 year checks. So how many reports would you do before they go to school. Just getting some ideas for our setting. Thank you in advance Emma
  3. @louby looperfect. Thank you so much for replying x
  4. Hello, Could I just ask people that work in a Preschool setting whether they send the children's end of year reports to their school that they will be starting in or just send a copy home to the parents? Thank you in advance Emma
  5. Hello, Could I ask you what things you do for school readiness for the children due to leave you in the summer. I have seen mixed comments about it as some people concentrate on skills such as I.e putting on shoes, writing their names etc and other people say its more about preparing them mentally, socially etc. Do you make it a topic before they go? Or just do bits throughout the year to prepare them? Thank you in advance for your time Emma
  6. Thank you so much for the reply. Do you include all of the areas of learning in your feedback and reports?
  7. Hello, just wanted to get some idea of whether your Early Years Settings/Pre Schools write reports for the children going off to school. Do you write them and give a copy to both the parents and school? Or just the school? Or neither. Interested to know Thank you in advance x
  8. Hello all Would anybody be willing to share some ideas of how your snack times work in your settings please? We have 2~4 year olds. What foods do you have? How do you serve the foods? Are the children involved in the preparation etc Thank you in advance
  9. Hello, I'm just looking to see what other people do about Christmas Card lists in your setting. Do you give out lists of the children's names if the parents ask for them or do you encourage them to just send cards to the friends that they mention? Thank you in advance
  10. Looking for some inspiration!!! Would anybody be willing to show some photo ideas of your reading areas please?! Thank you in advance
  11. Thank you for an amazing reply. I love this forum so much.
  12. That's a really lovely idea. Thank you
  13. Our system needs some updating. We are thinking that we should let the children be more independent by serving it themselves. Also, when the children have finished, some staff members will then proceed to get their coats on for outside play. Personally, I think that the children should have time to finish altogether instead of rushing to the next stage, as the ones left eating rush because they then want to go outside…but then it is hard to keep the 2 year olds sat at the table until everybody has finished. The children are between 2-4
  14. Hello all, I would like some ideas of how you all do snack time in your settings. At the moment, we sit all of the children round the table and hand out individual plates of fruit to each child. And then a cup with either water or milk(they choose). Once the children have finished they then start getting down from the table. My questions are…..do you have a rolling snack bar? Do the children prepare and serve their own food? What do you do if some children have finished and some are still eating? Do you let them get down from the table or wait until the others have finished? Thank you in advance for any ideas that you have Emma
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