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  • Your interest in Foundation Stage education

HorneG18's Achievements

3 Years

3 Years (4/7)



  1. Dear all, I work in Reception - full time teacher, 1 adult supporting throughout the week but differs who this may be depending on the day and timetabling. We have 20 children. I have a range of needs and I feel like I'm struggling to differentiate for areas such as phonics - any suggestions. Feeling very overwhelmed at the moment to show progress and learning through play. Thanks, Gem
  2. Thank you all so much for your help! We are getting there. The input is short with stories, a video, ppt etc. I then set a task - they've been quite simple and structured (mainly to help out the parents). So far it seems to be working - we have to stay online throughout the morning to answer questions/ queries - I usually check back in on everyone at home each 1/2/ hour to see if they need any help or suggestions, making sure they take breaks, go play, do something practical. The afternoons I set a practical activity, exploration, play based learned, craft activity etc. but we are not online although available by email if the parents need me. My worry is, I feel that it's not as reception should be, as my time is split so much. Free flow and play happens if the children are in school but having the time to observe, do focus work and ensure that the children are ok online, is difficult.
  3. After the government's announcement yesterday of another Lockdown, any tips on how to structure the teaching day for remote/online learning of Reception class? I only started teaching Reception in September so I've had to get used to a lot of the EYFS way of working (previously taught Y5). My mind is a whirl - any help from anyone would be useful. 😬
  4. I'll be returning to teach in Reception in September (having taught Juniors for the last 3 years) and I am unsure what resources I am allowed to have for the children? Has anyone got any advice on sand/water play, play dough/baking, soft toys/furnishings? It's been suggested that we won't be able to use these elments which does reduce the accessibility for the children and their learning experiences.
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