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  1. Thank You! I did think about doing this... I was inspected a month after taking over, and 3 days after changing the planning and we got good. The inspector said the approach is good - story of the week - just look at what is recorded and why? that was February and then Covid happened. I agree, the reset has been refreshing in the sense it has allowed time to go back to the drawing board with a-lot go things. Can I ask how you plan or record, if you don't mind.
  2. Hi, I was looking for some advice about planning and how to present planning. Over the years the setting I was working in have had many types of planning, introducing new types of planning like In The Moment, but never fully committing to any - the result has been a really messy and over complicated mount of paper work. I recently took over the setting and implemented Tapestry (I wanted this resource for years) and made a few changes to the planning, mostly towards more child orientated as opposed to a revolving factory floor belt of activities and gave staff more control and freedom to plan for their children and small groups. Our long term and medium term planning comes from planning ahead around festivals and celebrations, whilst hand selecting appropriate books. The short term plan is where I am stuck, we do have a weekly focus, the focus is a story. Each week a story provides a theme and the book is chosen for those specific reasons or the children request a book, or a natural progression if they enjoy a series of books like Supertato. This works really well in addition to using tapestry and planning around children's individual interests. I want to avoid repetitive recording of paper work for staff - Tapestry records the observations, tracks development and provides potential next steps - staff understand that they can use these recommendations but are also really great at thinking on their feet about how to move development forward. I know that I will need a simple weekly plan, potentially showing the story of the week - potential circle time discussions and maybe brief recording of any group experiences. Do you think this is enough? am I over thinking? I have spoken with staff but they are similarly in a position where there has been so much introduced over the years that they can not think straight about how to proceed. Additionally do any of you in your settings use sheets for individual children planning? I think I have spent so long unraveling the old planning and having to as a key worker do different types of recording over the years, that mentally I can not think forward, I have hit a wall. Any comments or support would be fantastic in just maybe getting me out of the box I seem to be stuck in. Thank You!
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