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  1. That’s interesting to know Rebecca. If all our returning children settle in the next week or two maybe I can see if we can do anything for this little boy.
  2. Thanks 🙏. I do feel better about refusing. And like Dennie we too haven’t started anyone who was due to join us in April and no likelihood of them having settling in until September so I know ultimately it was the right decision.
  3. That was exactly my thoughts and I explained this to mum who told me he was finding it really hard. 🙁I have told her that I may consider this if Covid-19 restrictions change over time to enable a settling in option But then I started to feel guilty and wondering whether we should at least give him a chance to meet with local children. 😩
  4. Please can I ask, is anyone taking on any new children from 1 June? I have had an enquiry from a family who have just moved into the area with a 4 year old who is due to start reception at our local school in September and she is very keen for him to attend our preschool for the remainder of the summer term mainly to help him socialise with the children from our setting who are also attending this school. My initial thought was to say no (or maybe consider joining later rather than the week we are returning?) but would really appreciate your thoughts?
  5. This received yesterday from our Funding Team? I will be very cross if they do claim back our funding. Also think this should have been communicated much earlier than this.
  6. Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with. Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with.
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