Thank you very much for your reply, I will be sure to take a look at your tips and advice. I’ve been really fortunate, both a colleague and my manager have given me lots of books to help me along my way.
I had purchased Lifespan Development and Child Observation for Learning and Research - both were suggested purchases for separate modules this year.
I am currently a supervisor in a preschool, coming up to 2 years after a 4 year sabbatical to stay at home with my boys 😊
Its interesting that you mention reflective practice, I’m going to have a meeting with my manager on Friday and am going to try and pitch In The Moment Planning to her. It will be a “radical” change but to me it’s an absolute no brainer. I’m researching and drawing out all my main points (considering making a power point haha) - perhaps this is practice for uni?!
Thank you again.