I hope this is ok, I'm new to this forum!
I work for a group of private nurseries which are due to reopen on 1st June. We are currently working through the mammoth task that is updating policies and risk assessments etc which I am sure many of you are familiar with! I was hoping I could pick some brains and get some ideas of how you plan to carry out certain procedures safely?
We usually complete a paper diary sheet which is handed to the parent at the end of the day- we would like to go paper free but the tapestry care diary cannot be viewed on the app which is a pain for parents as they would have to log onto a browser. Any ideas? The only thing I could think is to upload a photo of the diary sheet to tapestry like an obs. We would also need accident forms to be signed etc.
Another worry is how we will clean toys as we go without restricting the children too much or having a pile of toys to clean at 6pm! Also, how do you plan to clean your toys? Is warm soapy water enough? I'm worried about using detergents etc incase these are not safe for children.
Any ideas will be greatly received! There's a lot to think about isn't there!