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Everything posted by Tweetinat

  1. At the moment I can export data to show all children or children in a specific room. Is there anyway I can run a report for only one child? I think I've asked this before as well, but is it possible to have the output as a .csv/.xls file rather than PDF? We have a child for whom we're monitoring absence for safeguarding reasons and I'm struggling to get the information out as I am having to export to PDF for all children and then because it's PDF, I can't easily extract the data for one child. Many thanks.
  2. I'd like to understand the reasoning for only allowing managers to record an absence on the registers? All our staff sign children in and out but because they can't add an absence, it has to be done later by a manager's profile. If a manager isn't immediately available to log in, it means that a child's status is 'unrecorded' on the app and when later reviewing attendance, it isn't possible to see who actually was notified and recorded the absence.
  3. Hi, how do you delete an absence against a child? We have a situation where an absence has been recorded against a child accidentally and we can't see how to delete it. Thanks, Natalie
  4. Hi, thanks so much for the quick reply. However, the children are not appearing when generating the register PDF files when they are inactive (not deleted). This doesn't seem to align with your first statement above? You're very welcome to dip into our account to have a look if you want to see what I mean?
  5. And please, the solution is not to generate a PDF of historic registers at the end of every week/month/term. This is a temporary solution granted, but should not have to be done. The whole point of using a third-party system for registers is for simplicity and having the data stored *within the system* for future access. We shouldn't have to do a workaround to retain the data.
  6. I would be grateful if someone could confirm whether what I am seeing is correct. I have two children who have moved out of area and so they have been changed to 'Inactive' in Tapestry and have actually been marked for deletion. However we have been selected for a funding audit and I have to provide evidence of attendance through our registers. In generating historic registers for earlier this year when these children *did* attend, it appears that all their attendance records have gone with their profile and I can no longer prove that they attended our setting during that time. I have reactivated the children and they now re-appear back on the registers. Luckily the deletion had not completed. It appears that this is intended behaviour? If this is correct, we will have to stop using the register functionality immediately as we have to retain this information for 6 years as per our funding agreement. We cannot keep these children as active as we need to free up the space on our plan. I really hope that I have misunderstood something here as we have loved the functionality and would be gutted to have to stop using it. I would be grateful if someone could let me know ASAP if there is another way to retrieve their attendance data. Thanks.
  7. Unless I've not set everything up properly, there is currently a price change for sessions booked after a child's birthday. In our setting, the price change is implemented the term after a child's birthday. Could we please request this as an option. TY.
  8. It would be great if there was somewhere we could record a 'collection password' on the registers so that we don't have to refer to paperwork when we have authorised contacts other than parents collect. :)
  9. We have been using the online register functionality since September and are extremely happy with it. I like how you can go and look at an individual child and see how many absences they have had all in one place. However, I would like to suggest some further refinements that would really support absence tracking further: 1. On the individual child summary, it would be fantastic if as well as showing the total number of absences recorded, you could also show this as a percentage based on their booked attendance pattern (or the percentage attendance, or even both). For example, if I have a child who attends for 10 sessions per week and miss 4 sessions, it would show 60% attendance/40% absence when viewing for a week. At the very minimum, this percentage would reflect attendance/absence since they started with us, but as a sessional preschool, we would like to be able to filter this data to view by half-term, term and academic year and I'm sure nurseries would have their own preferences for filtering this data. 2. Further to the above, being able to run a report for ALL children/SELECTED children so you could then compare children's attendance would be amazing, and the ability to export the data into .xls or .csv would give further flexiblity. If creating an interface for this is not yet on the horizon, simply being able to export the registers into an .xls/.csv file which shows bookings vs absences would be a great start as I can then manipulate the data to get the reports that I need. I have lots of ideas about this functionality so very happy to talk through in more detail if it's helpful! Thank you.
  10. Hi, this is great. I was so excited to log on today and see the feature has gone live! Can I ask if there are any plans to allow us to set a staff 'schedule' like with the children so that you can see who is scheduled to work on a particular day rather than all the staff? Thank you!
  11. Hello, we have recently discovered the online registers in Tapestry but I wondered if there is any way to add staff to the registers so they can use the same system to sign in and out? Is this on the dev plan? Thanks!
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