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Everything posted by Alisonmead2015

  1. My funding income for February was nil, but not all the parents paid their bills as we do them half-termly, so our private income doesn't reflect the true picture either! would your accountant be willing to share the formula she used do you think?
  2. I rang the Department of Education (Early Years) and put that to them today, no-one had the answer as the changes were only announced on Friday but they have promised to look at it and come back to me
  3. You apparently prepare and submit your payroll as normal, using 80% if you are not topping up and the full amount if you are, the CJRS is a different thing, you need your employee number, tax account number, the names and NI numbers of any staff members you wish to furlough, their payroll numbers are optional. You also need to have calculated what 80% of their pay will be as the site will not do that for you. That's all I could work out over the weekend
  4. I have spoken at length to the Department of Education, they were unable to shed light on the way we should process this and my questions have been 'escalated', they hope to have some clarification within the next 48 hours. My question was ' Are we to divide the total amount of Government Funding by the months in the term to get an average amount, pay the wages that total that amount, and furlough the staff it doesn't' 'Are we as a setting, covered legally as long as all Government funds have been used to pay staff, regardless of the way we use it, ie, Weekly, monthly, termly?' When I hear I will post the answer
  5. So I'm currently on hold with the Department of Education, while they scrabble round and try to answer my questions, bless them, they aren't sure either!
  6. We are a small Pre School who will receive only 7,500 in Education grants this term, the rest of our money would have come from private fees, however, a good proportion of the fee paying children were due to start in April and are not included in our income for February, this means we will be disadvantaged from the start and it will affect our sustainability going forward. Would it not be simpler if we were allowed to use the whole of our grant for wages, then claim the shortfall from the CJRS? as long as we don't make a profit from claiming both?
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