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Everything posted by Cheryl_Herrick

  1. Hi As there are restrictions due to Covid regarding parents coming into the sessions. we are finding the memo section helpful for staff to send messages, reports, information to parents instead of using observations. Though is there a way a parent can write a memo to the staff member? we don't want to parents to use staff email as correspondence as being on Tapestry it is on one place. Is this possible or something for future reference. thank you Cheryl
  2. thank you Olaya thats perfect thank you, we have started using the reports as we can attach this to a memo so they can sign it (so we know they have read it) Just wondering whether there is a simpler version so i don't have to "hide section" on the reports on 80% of it. eg like the 2 year report only has the prime areas.? many thanks cheryl
  3. Hi i want to start adding reports to the childs account eg conversation with parents re speech or toilet training or just general, this then can be added to a memo so parent will have a copy too. basically cut a long story short its written evidence for the parent to have about the conversations we have. is it possible to have a template of just notes etc not having to untick all the framework agebands etc. Uploading media or files is fine but just a simpler form ? thank you cheryl
  4. Hi we want to start using accident forms for the children I wonder because of the parents being restricted in coming in whether there can be a incident from home form too ? it’s very similar to the accident but the parent fills it in before the child comes into the setting so we are aware of previous cuts (plus it’s safeguarding ) I thought I could use accident forms but the first aid is staff only any ideas ?? Cheryl
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