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Everything posted by avetongiffordpreschool

  1. Hi - We are going to experiment this term with the Early Adopters Development Matters and try to re train ourselves into not ticking boxes , and work with our own knowledge of our children and where they are. However we are struggling with progression. Before, we could look at our un ticked boxes and use these to plan activities to stretch the children further. Now however, with the new Development Matters 3-4, the majority of our children are already exceeding these new suggestions. For instance- where is the mention of being able to count to 10 ? Where is being able to add one more or subtract one less ? Also the guidance for 3-4 for fine motor skills is very basic eg makes snips with scissors . Is any one else struggling in this way? Tapestry team - Are you going to be developing the Early Adopters further ? eg with Tracking?
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