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Everything posted by emmamayo

  1. So sorry trying to make sure this is in the correct topic area, but will only seem to let me post here!!! Does anyone know the amount of weeks per term Surrey will fund next year ( sept 2021-july 2022). It is normally pretty similar, but some years it can just be off a week and it dictates how I set my term dates. Can anyone help and point me in the correct place? I have checked the funded education page for practitioners on SCC website, and also the new learning portal and can't find it. many thanks in advance Emma.x
  2. Please can anyone tell us what the funding periods are going to be for next academic year. How many weeks per term you will fund, as I am looking to set my term dates for next year. Thank you.


    I have asked 30hours admin but no one is answering any questions!!!

    1. SurreyAdminSC


      Hi Emmamayo,


      We are just finalising the dates and will publish as soon as they are confirmed.

      Kind regards


  3. Please can you tell us what the funding periods are going to be for next academic year. How many weeks per term you will fund, as I am looking to set my term dates for next year. Thank you.

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