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  1. Thanks. It is 2 hours across the day total, but my query is can you use 3 assistants as you can only normally have 2 plus the childminder but if the childminder isn't there, can you have 3 assistants for up to 2 hours to keep within your ratios?
  2. Can a childminder have 3 assistants working for the maximum of 2 hours a day if required? If the childminder needs a break for example, or to sort out paperwork etc? I work with 2 assistants at a time every day. If a childminder employs an assistant or works with another childminder, each childminder (or assistant) may care for the number of children permitted by the ratios specified in sections 3.44 of the EYFS Statutory Framework, subject to any restrictions imposed by Ofsted on registration. Children may only be left in the sole care of assistants for no more than two hours in a single day. Childminders must obtain parental permission to leave children with an assistant.
  3. Just to say that I have spoken to an Ofsted Inspector and they said that you would have to watch the ratios and potentially take the required number of children with you to the toilet and then you would have to consider if it would be affecting their play by taking them to the toilet if they hadn't asked to go. I spoke to an Early Years Advisor and they are going to meet me at the 2nd venue to see if they can help trouble shoot it. The toilets are in the same building just not attached to the café we would be hiring and children in my care would have sole use of the toilets now (rather than share them with the pay as you go childcare facility). Hopefully we can resolve it!
  4. Yes, I was hoping for some ideas I can trouble shoot it with, it is a shame as otherwise the hall is really lovely and very well managed :/
  5. That is what the previous pre school did in the first scenario but from the sounds of it it wasn't enough which is strange as there is a door from the large hall to the corridor to where the toilets are so I would say that it is secure. I am not sure about the 2nd set up yet. I am going to try and find out through Ofsted today.
  6. Thank you. Would you imagine that this would apply to the other setting too where you have shared toilets? The room is separate to the play centre.
  7. I am looking to grow from a childminder into a small nursery setting. I have an opportunity to hire 2 venues (I only need one). One is a committee run hall - the issue with this comes from the previous preschool renting the space. They told the committee that Ofsted told them that they needed a door in a corridor where the toilets are as the corridor joins 2 halls, to have a set of toilets exclusively for the preschool when they were using the one hall. When the other hall is in use this door will need to be locked. They were in loggerheads with the committee about it. The committee asked the preschool for the documentation or legislation that they needed to do this and the preschool did not show it to them. The door would be to stop toilet users using the toilet at the same time as the children. The committee installed a gate, the preschool said it was not enough. It caused a lot of friction as I understand it. The 2nd venue has something similar but jointly used toilets by a pre existing child play pay as you go setting. So the users are children as well. I thought that perhaps the problem could be over come with a risk assessment? Has anyone had a similar situation over toilets?
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