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  1. Hello all. It's great to hear everyone's opinions. There has been so much added since I last spoke on here. It is reassuring to know we are all fumbling. We open for "stay and play" sessions with social distancing in 3 groups. Our "older returners " (two of them turn 3 on 31 August!!!) in one session, newly older and then younger newbies! It's so they can see the the setting and (re)familiarise them. We are also justifying parents coming in (masked up) to settle their children. It's all staggered (and financially a nightmare!) as we deem it "essential" as the government states is a caveat to grown ups not entering the premises. It's all so ambiguous! Ive just completed a COVID settling-in policy and also an altered risk assessment. Ive been trawling through documentation to justify not closing if we have a positive case of the virus. If the test is negative, they can return, and household members can end their self-isolation but if the test is positive the individual will follow www.nhs.uk “Self-Isolation and Treating Coronavirus Symptoms” guidance. The Nursery will remain open until advised otherwise. The Nursery will comply with the advice of NHS ‘Test and Trace’ process and the Local Health Protection Team, This information is in line with current gov.uk. guidelines within their stipulated “Systems of Control”. Any thoughts? So much for holidays this year. I've just become Head. This is hardly how I thought it would be!!! x
  2. I completely agree. It’s so hard as I’ve been transparent with parents and been in contact with returners and new parents, but it is all such an Unknown quantity. We have 22 new children set to start and to Make ends Meet we really have to try to settle them by half term. we have a lot of 2 year olds this years who won’t have even attended play groups. My mind is whirring how to Make this work. At present, with social distancing restrictions for grown ups I have no idea how we can accommodate the parents. Will parents even be allowed in? They weren’t before we broke up. it was reassuring to see your comment. Keep in touch.
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