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Everything posted by juliekb

  1. Please ignore my last message as I have now worked out how to do this!!! I will use the fact that it is a Monday as an excuse for my incompetence!!!
  2. Good afternoon, We have enabled the messaging feature for our setting and have started using it today. We have missed a couple of messages coming through as there doesn't seem to be a notification that a message has arrived (we had one notification through an email but not two). Is there any way to set up a notification linked to a new message such as a banner on our iPads or a sound to say a message has arrived. Any help very gratefully received. Many thanks
  3. I would just like to say that I really like the bookings system on Tapestry and find it easy to use and adaptable to our needs. I was wondering whether they may be an option in the future to be able to add staff names to the rooms, creating schedules for them all so they are added to the appropriate rooms automatically like the children's schedules. Many thanks for continuing to make my life easier! Regards, Julie
  4. Hi everyone! I wondered whether it could be a possibility to have a function for Possible Lines of Development to be added. When we do reports or 2-year checks, we do, of course, have next steps. Staff members then write on a white board when they have concerns so all members of staff can be aware. (We are a small setting all working within one room). I would like an additional page to be available so the next steps could be transferred to it alongside ideas the key people have to provide activities and resources for that child to work towards their next steps. As we also use WellCom, ideas for this could also be added as well as any identified schemas. Hopefully then all ideas are in one place and staff members can access it at any time and it avoids having sheets of paper everywhere. (We are a pack away setting). Characteristics of Effective Learning could also be added so each member of staff can build up that picture of how an individual child learns and plan appropriately for them. Many thanks
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