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  1. Hi, my name is Joe Carreyett and I am near completion of the level 3 Early Years Educator qualification with Learndirect. I am a qualified musician and am wanting to combine my love of music with early years education. I am hoping to train as a Music Therapist in the future. As part of my final module I have been signposted to this forum to discuss theoretical prospectives in relation to reflective practice. I have learned that reflective practice is the process of re-evaluating oneself in order to progress and achieve personal goals. Theorist John Dewy has suggested that it is a ‘ complex, rigorous, intellectual, and emotional enterprise that takes time to do well’. Whilst Gibbs has advised that by using a model which goes through the following stages: ‘description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusions and action plan’, ensures that the participant slows down their thoughts in order to critically evaluate themselves and make important decisions regarding how they are going to progress effectively. I feel at the beginning of my studies I was anxious to get through my modules and I maybe was not critical enough in my evaluation of areas where I needed to improve, and also I was not confident in my successes. By gaining more experience and underpinning knowledge I have been able to see the value in taking time to reflect on my experiences both personal and professional that have impacted on my work. This has given me the necessary building blocks to ensure that I am still on the right career pathway and/or show me other avenues I could explore. I agree with Dewy that it is a complex process, and lots of factors both externally and within your job role can affect your drive and commitment both to yourself and to others. It is important, I feel, that time is given within the workplace for self-evaluation. Within my setting staff supervision and appraisals are processes which provide some opportunities for reflection in a more formalised way. However I think that informal reflection is also beneficial. For example, I suggested that maybe all members of the team had a personal diary which they could complete with comments, ideas, how they are feeling about something which is being practiced within the setting or external influences which may be affecting them at the time. These diaries would be confidential to the participant, and 30 minutes would be given every week during work time for them to be completed. Then if they chose they could discuss points included in their personal diary during staff meetings, or personally with management if appropriate. By writing things down, even if the participant decides not to share this information with others it enables them to evaluate themselves and their own personal practice, which in itself will provide analysis and conclusions which will support their practice moving forward. This I feel is beneficial to the setting as a whole, and therefore the time given for this process is justified. Do any of your settings follow a similar process? Thank you for your contributions. Joe
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