Are you a reception teacher in Greater Manchester? Do you have experience using the Think Equal level 2 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programme?
My name is Grace Stevens, and I am a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Sussex. I am reaching out to request your valuable contribution to a research project exploring the use and impact of the Think Equal Level 2 SEL programme in schools across Greater Manchester.
Your insights will help us understand how a SEL programme has been implemented across different classrooms in Greater Manchester.
Your feedback is valued and important, whether you are currently using the programme or not.
You will be contributing to a research project that aims to understand the impact of a structured SEL programme on the development of social-emotional skills in early childhood.
How to Participate:
Complete an anonymous questionnaire via this link: or scan the QR code in the attached picture.
We are also recruiting Reception Teachers in Greater Manchester to participate in a short online interview, to share their experiences delivering the programme, and their perspective on the impact of the programme in their classroom.
If you would like to participate in an interview, you can read the participant information, and sign up by following this link:
Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions regarding the project, survey or interviews.
Thank you!