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  1. Hello. I'm currently doing a course level 3 early year educator. My assessor asking me to make my own professional discussion with my colleagues. How should I start discussion, what questions to ask, anything will help. Give me please some examples. Thank you indeed.
  2. Hi everyone! I'm currently doing my level 3 course and I would like to share my research and discuss the importance of reflection in relation to professional development. There is two theoretical perspectives. One theory is Kolbs learning cycle and the other theory is Gibbs reflective cycle. I have found that Gibbs and Kolb are actually focus same things. However I have observed that it is easer for people to implement Gibbs steps becouse it is more detailed. You can examine the situation objectively and reach the conclusion step by step. Kolbs learning cycle is less detaile and before you explore everything detailed it jumps to conclusion which might create a sense of superficial learning and understanding. Gibbs cycle allows us to learn and plan from things. It seems to me that they both focus on the same thing and indeed Kolbs steps are also easily applicable.
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