Welcome to the FSF June newsletter
FSF Event 2023: Building a Community of Practice – meet the speakers and facilitators!
In last month’s newsletter we told you about our exciting FREE online event to celebrate twenty years of connection and community through the FSF. Sponsored by Tapestry, the event will be on Tuesday 27th June, 6-8pm, and we invite early years leaders and managers to come together and discuss their good practice, challenges, and achievements. We are delighted to announce the keynote speakers: Laura Henry-Allain MBE (She/her) and Catherine McLeod MBE who will each share presentations. Attendees will then be allocated to breakout rooms for conversations based on themes from the keynote talks. Each room will have a facilitator to guide the discussion. Our facilitators are Teacher and Early Years Consultant Rachna Joshi, Nursery School Executive Head Teacher Dr Valerie Daniel, Early Years Teacher and Manager Adam Marycz, SEND Advisor Stephen Kilgour, Education Advisor Ben Case, and Catherine McLeod MBE.
Registration for this event is now open. You can find out more and sign up to attend here.
Early Years News
- A consultation is now open to share views on the Department for Education’s (DfE) proposed changes to requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS). You can take part in the consultation here. There is also a post ready for discussion about it on the Forum.
- The DfE have published the results of a survey that asked early years providers about the impact of rising costs on their provision in November 2022. Follow this link to read the findings.
- A reminder that the campaign group Early Years Equality are organising a protest outside Downing Street on Saturday 24th June, to raise awareness of the huge importance of the sector and the work that early years educators do. To find out more about how to join the protest, click here.
New Content
FSF updates
The FSF has a new landing page! Forum discussions take centre stage, and you’ll also see three boxes near the top: one rotates FSF articles, the second podcasts, and the third shares resources from our Tapestry.info Educator’s Hub. There’s also info about getting started, including our community guidelines. We hope you have fun exploring the new homepage, and joining in with conversations.
Just a reminder that to mark the 20th anniversary of the Forum, we are removing the subscription fee for the FSF, making it free to be a member of this amazing community of dedicated early years educators. You can find out more in this forum post. If you’ve previously joined, your account should have been reinstated - if for any reason you’re having trouble logging on, please get in touch at customer.service@eyfs.info
If you are already a member of the FSF, you may have noticed tree icons have appeared next to members’ names. These represent how long you have been a member! Check out this forum post for more information.
And keep an eye out for a new look FSF landing page coming soon.
FSF articles and podcasts
This month we have a 3-article mini-series and a couple of new podcasts to share with you.
Maths consultant Sharon Day has written 3 articles that look at how children learn maths, broadly covering the developmental stages/ages 0-2 years, 3-4 years and 4-5 years.
In our podcast episodes we chat with Dr Prospera Tedam and Professor Eunice Lumsden about the tools they have developed to support connection and deepen our anti-discriminatory practice in our workplaces; and we discuss teaching and developing a love of maths from the early years onwards with Maths and Robotics tutor Zan Nadeem. Check out all our podcast episodes wherever you like to listen, or from this link.
Tapestry news and resources
Tapestry ‘Invoices’ is here!
Tapestry Invoices is the latest addition to our Nursery Management Software, designed to save you time and money. It joins Registers and Booking which are already available. Use Invoices to price sessions, allocate funded hours, and to generate and keep track of the invoices you send to parents and carers. You can read more about it here.
Tapestry 2023 survey
Thank you to everyone who completed the annual Tapestry survey - we had an amazing response! The survey is now closed, and we'll publish the findings in a few weeks. We'll let you know where to find them on the Forum when they go live.
Support for your CPD
We have a new guide for educators available on Tapestry.info. A Beginner’s Guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusion has been created by Diverse History UK to support parents, childminders, nurseries and schools in having necessary conversations about LGBTQ+ Inclusion. You can download a free copy of the guide from this link.
Tapestry CPD has two new courses to offer you:
“An Introduction to Safeguarding” is based on the Beginner’s Guide to Safeguarding and consists of two short tasks, two short videos and information to introduce you to safeguarding.
“Reports: EYFS, KS1 & KS2” explains the statutory reporting requirements for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. It also covers how to complete these reports on Tapestry as well as helpful tips and advice on reporting effectively to parents.
You can access both courses using the links in the text, or browse the full catalogue of courses from here.
Wishing you all a safe and happy June
From Helen, Steve and all of us at the FSF and Tapestry

From The Forum
Home visits risk assessment
FSF updates
The FSF has a new landing page! Forum discussions take centre stage, and you’ll also see three boxes near the top: one rotates FSF articles, the second podcasts, and the third shares resources from our Tapestry.info Educator’s Hub. There’s also info about getting started, including our community guidelines. We hope you have fun exploring the new homepage, and joining in with conversations.
Just a reminder that to mark the 20th anniversary of the Forum, we are removing the subscription fee for the FSF, making it free to be a member of this amazing community of dedicated early years educators. You can find out more in this forum post. If you’ve previously joined, your account should have been reinstated - if for any reason you’re having trouble logging on, please get in touch at customer.service@eyfs.info
If you are already a member of the FSF, you may have noticed tree icons have appeared next to members’ names. These represent how long you have been a member! Check out this forum post for more information.
And keep an eye out for a new look FSF landing page coming soon.
FSF articles and podcasts
This month we have a 3-article mini-series and a couple of new podcasts to share with you.
Maths consultant Sharon Day has written 3 articles that look at how children learn maths, broadly covering the developmental stages/ages 0-2 years, 3-4 years and 4-5 years.
In our podcast episodes we chat with Dr Prospera Tedam and Professor Eunice Lumsden about the tools they have developed to support connection and deepen our anti-discriminatory practice in our workplaces; and we discuss teaching and developing a love of maths from the early years onwards with Maths and Robotics tutor Zan Nadeem. Check out all our podcast episodes wherever you like to listen, or from this link.
Tapestry news and resources
Tapestry ‘Invoices’ is here!
Tapestry Invoices is the latest addition to our Nursery Management Software, designed to save you time and money. It joins Registers and Booking which are already available. Use Invoices to price sessions, allocate funded hours, and to generate and keep track of the invoices you send to parents and carers. You can read more about it here.
Tapestry 2023 survey
Thank you to everyone who completed the annual Tapestry survey - we had an amazing response! The survey is now closed, and we'll publish the findings in a few weeks. We'll let you know where to find them on the Forum when they go live.
Support for your CPD
We have a new guide for educators available on Tapestry.info. A Beginner’s Guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusion has been created by Diverse History UK to support parents, childminders, nurseries and schools in having necessary conversations about LGBTQ+ Inclusion. You can download a free copy of the guide from this link.
Tapestry CPD has two new courses to offer you:
“An Introduction to Safeguarding” is based on the Beginner’s Guide to Safeguarding and consists of two short tasks, two short videos and information to introduce you to safeguarding.
“Reports: EYFS, KS1 & KS2” explains the statutory reporting requirements for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. It also covers how to complete these reports on Tapestry as well as helpful tips and advice on reporting effectively to parents.
You can access both courses using the links in the text, or browse the full catalogue of courses from here.
Wishing you all a safe and happy June
From Helen, Steve and all of us at the FSF and Tapestry
I need to write a risk assessment for a member of staff who will be doing home visits. I’ve got a pretty good idea of what to include but wondered what key things others might include?
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