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help! i run a small village preschool, numbers are very low and finances not brilliant so we have put in for a sustainability grant as we really want to employ another member of staff (currently run on 2 staff a session,not easy!). anyway to get this funding we really need to prove we need another staff member :o to do this we need to increase numbers. at the mo we take children the term they are 2yrs 6mths we are registered to take them from 2 so wondering if we should? bit worried about the impact xD would it change everything? any comments/experience would be much apprieciated!


we did this a couple of yrs ago we can only have 12 children per session was 2 staff per session but now 3 depending on our ratio of under3s.

we have more children in nappies so we invested in a changing station and some get a bit tired so like a small nap but as we are sessional it is not often. the older children enjoy helping the younger ones and we differentiate our activities more b-3 etc just as you do anyway. sometimes they take longer to settle in.

we have enjoyed the change and like you it was needed to be more viable.

they stay with us longer as they start at 2 they go into the next years intake for nursery. we used to do a 2yr rolling topic programme , we know do as far as possible for the childs interest and a small mini theme or celebration to add a bit of change . we had no problem with our ofsted they seemed to think it works.

for us it has been a positive step.


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