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Planning (again)

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I would really be greatful if you all could help me bring my pre-school into touch with planning! I know it will all change again in 2008 with the EYFS but i sooooo need some help.

If ANYONE could share their planning formats (long,med,short, continuous,b23) I would be so very greatful. I really do need your help.





Hi Carol and welcome.... have you looked in the files? there are loads of really good examples of plans for all stages and ages - also if you put planning into the search box and have a trawl through I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for there!


Sarah x


Hi Carol,


The problem with planning is that it is a very personal thing. There are plenty of examples on the forum though if you search. Also look in the resources to see what it there. :o


Hello and welcome from me too. Good ideas already suggested. Just wanted to say you are not alone with needing help with the planning. It must be the area we all need the help with most!

Guest Wolfie

I think another thing that we must all learn to develop is confidence in our own professional abilities and skills - planning seems to be the one area in which we all lack confidence in the systems that we have chosen to develop and implement. We might be quite happy with the way we plan and the associated paperwork but then we see that someone else does it differently and suddenly decide that we must be doing ours wrong!


Beau is right, planning is a very personal thing and what works for one person/team may seem illogical and long-winded to another! There is no one right way to plan, just a guiding set of child-centred and curriculum principles and guidance from which to build a planning framework.


You'll know when you've developed something that you're happy with, that meets the needs of your setting and your children and abides by sound overriding principles of child development and curriculum guidance....and then have confidence and don't wobble when you see someone else do it differently!! :o


Thanks guys for all your advice, I will keep plodding on. I'm sure I will get there in the end!



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