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Can You Recommend A Computer Programme

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We still have £18 of ELC's to spend this year. Not a lot but I am not going to return it to the council.


I have been looking at some £5 programmes called

I spy Junior,

Thomas and friends,

Wheels on the Bus and

Finding Nemo.


Does anyone know what they are like or have recommendations? Eighteen pounds doesn't go along way with Sherston etc so am looking at Curriculum on line and AVP.


Our children favourite program is called Humpty Dumpty where they rewrite the poem with aliens/motor bikes and icecreams but that was more expensive.


I gather ELC are ending in june 2008, so I won't have this problem soon


Finding Nemo is hugely popular with our children!! and, on a personal note, I find some of the areas fiendishly difficult, but being a fogey, I did not grow up with computer games! :o


We rewrote Humpty using heads and hands! (as part of a literacy project)



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